
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


A - Class in org.minidns.record
A record payload (ip pointer).
A - Enum constant in enum org.minidns.record.Record.TYPE
A(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.minidns.record.A
A(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.minidns.record.A
A(CharSequence) - Constructor for class org.minidns.record.A
A(Inet4Address) - Constructor for class org.minidns.record.A
A6 - Enum constant in enum org.minidns.record.Record.TYPE
AAAA - Class in org.minidns.record
AAAA payload (an ipv6 pointer).
AAAA - Enum constant in enum org.minidns.record.Record.TYPE
AAAA(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.minidns.record.AAAA
AAAA(CharSequence) - Constructor for class org.minidns.record.AAAA
AAAA(Inet6Address) - Constructor for class org.minidns.record.AAAA
abort() - Method in class net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.SearchState
abort() - Method in interface net.i2p.router.transport.FIFOBandwidthLimiter.Request
we no longer want the data requested (the connection closed)
ABORT - Enum constant in enum
abort the parsing on any non-whitelisted element or blacklisted attribute
ABORTED - Static variable in class net.i2p.router.util.EventLog
for convenience, not required
ABSOLUTE - Enum constant in enum org.rrd4j.core.jrrd.DataSourceType
ABSOLUTE - Enum constant in enum org.rrd4j.DsType
Is for counters which get reset upon reading.
ABSOLUTE_MAX_ACKS - Static variable in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.PacketBuilder
one byte field
AbuseReason - Class in
Defines the structure for why abuse was reported either by the client to the router or by the router to the client
AbuseReason() - Constructor for class
AbuseSeverity - Class in
Provides a severity level (larger numbers are more severe) in association with a client reporting abusive behavior to the router or the router reporting it to the client
AbuseSeverity() - Constructor for class
accept() - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.AcceptingChannel
accept() - Method in interface net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PServerSocket
Waits for the next socket connecting.
accept() - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.I2PServerSocketFull
Waits for the next socket connecting.
accept() - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.StandardServerSocket
accept() - Method in class net.i2p.sam.SSLServerSocketChannel
accept() - Method in class net.i2p.util.InternalServerSocket
accept() - Method in class org.cybergarage.http.HTTPServer
accept(long) - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.ConnectionHandler
Receive an incoming connection (built from a received SYN) Non-SYN packets with a zero SendStreamID may also be queued here so that they don't get thrown away while the SYN packet before it is queued.
accept(File) - Method in class net.i2p.util.FileSuffixFilter
accept(Connection) - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.SchedulerClosed
accept(Connection) - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.SchedulerClosing
accept(Connection) - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.SchedulerConnectedBulk
accept(Connection) - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.SchedulerConnecting
accept(Connection) - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.SchedulerDead
accept(Connection) - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.SchedulerHardDisconnected
accept(Connection) - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.SchedulerPreconnect
accept(Connection) - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.SchedulerReceived
accept(Connection) - Method in interface net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.TaskScheduler
Determine whether this scheduler is fit to operate against the given connection
accept(SAMv3Handler, boolean) - Method in class net.i2p.sam.PrimarySession
accept(SAMv3Handler, boolean) - Method in class net.i2p.sam.SAMv3StreamSession
Accept a single incoming STREAM on the socket stolen from the handler.
ACCEPT - Enum constant in enum net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool.ParticipatingThrottler.Result
acceptIncoming(int) - Method in class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.irc.DCCClientManager
An incoming ACCEPT response
acceptIncoming(int) - Method in interface net.i2p.i2ptunnel.irc.DCCHelper
An incoming ACCEPT response
AcceptingChannel - Class in net.i2p.client.streaming
As this does not (yet) extend ServerSocketChannel it cannot be returned by StandardServerSocket.getChannel(), until we implement an I2P SocketAddress class.
AcceptingChannel(I2PSocketManager) - Constructor for class net.i2p.client.streaming.AcceptingChannel
acceptNetDbLookupRequest(Hash) - Method in class net.i2p.router.RouterDoSThrottle
acceptNetDbLookupRequest(Hash) - Method in interface net.i2p.router.RouterThrottle
Should we accept the netDb lookup message, replying either with the value or some closer peers, or should we simply drop it due to overload?
acceptNetDbLookupRequest(Hash) - Method in class net.i2p.router.RouterThrottleImpl
unused, function moved to netdb
acceptNetworkMessage() - Method in interface net.i2p.router.RouterThrottle
Should we accept any more data from the network for any sort of message, taking into account our current load, or should we simply slow down?
acceptNetworkMessage() - Method in class net.i2p.router.RouterThrottleImpl
Should we accept any more data from the network for any sort of message, taking into account our current load, or should we simply slow down? FIXME only called by SSU Receiver, not NTCP! FIXME should put warning on the console FIXME or should we do this at all? We have Codel queues all over now...
acceptOutgoing(int) - Method in interface net.i2p.i2ptunnel.irc.DCCHelper
An outgoing ACCEPT response
acceptOutgoing(int) - Method in class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.irc.I2PTunnelDCCServer
An outgoing ACCEPT response
acceptTrialDecrypt(UDPPacket, SSU2Header.Header) - Static method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.SSU2Header
Copy the header back to the packet.
acceptTunnelRequest() - Method in interface net.i2p.router.RouterThrottle
Should we accept the request to participate in the given tunnel, taking into account our current load and bandwidth usage commitments?
acceptTunnelRequest() - Method in class net.i2p.router.RouterThrottleImpl
If we should send a reject, return a nonzero reject code.
ACCESS_TECH - Static variable in class edu.internet2.ndt.NDTConstants
AccessCounter - Class in net.i2p.i2ptunnel.access
Counts connection attempts and decides if specified thresholds have been breached.
AccessCounter() - Constructor for class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.access.AccessCounter
AccessFilter - Class in net.i2p.i2ptunnel.access
A filter for incoming connections which can be configured based on access list rules.
AccessFilter(I2PAppContext, FilterDefinition) - Constructor for class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.access.AccessFilter
ace - Variable in class org.minidns.dnsname.DnsName
The DNS name in ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE).
ace - Variable in exception class org.minidns.dnsname.InvalidDnsNameException
ACK_FREQUENCY - Static variable in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.PeerState
how frequently do we want to send ACKs to a peer?
ACKBitfield - Interface in net.i2p.router.transport.udp
Generic means of SACK/NACK transmission for partially or fully received messages
AckBlock(int, int) - Constructor for class net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet.RatchetPayload.AckBlock
AckBlock(long, int, byte[], int) - Constructor for class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.SSU2Payload.AckBlock
AckBlock(List<Integer>) - Constructor for class net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet.RatchetPayload.AckBlock
ackCount() - Method in interface net.i2p.router.transport.udp.ACKBitfield
Number of fragments acked in this bitfield.
acked() - Method in class net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.MessageWrapper.WrappedMessage
delivered tags (if any) were acked
acked(int) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.OutboundMessageState
Ack this fragment number.
acked(ACKBitfield) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.OutboundMessageState
Ack all the fragments in the ack list.
acked(PacketBuilder.Fragment) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.PeerState
An ACK of a fragment was received.
ackImmediately() - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.Connection
ackPackets(long, long[]) - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.Connection
Process the acks and nacks received in a packet
ackReceived() - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.PacketLocal
AckRequestBlock() - Constructor for class net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet.RatchetPayload.AckRequestBlock
ackRequested(PublicKey, int, int) - Method in class net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet.RatchetSKM
ackSendMessage(SessionId, MessageId, long) - Method in class net.i2p.router.client.ClientConnectionRunner
Send a notification to the client that their message (id specified) was accepted for delivery (but not necessarily delivered) Doesn't do anything if i2cp.messageReliability = "none" or if the nonce is 0.
acksToSend - Variable in class net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet.RatchetEntry
ACKTimer - Class in net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet
Send an empty message if the timer expires.
ACKTimer(RouterContext, Destination, Destination) - Constructor for class net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet.ACKTimer
Caller must schedule
ACLASSES - Static variable in class net.i2p.addressbook.CommandLine
acquire() - Method in class net.i2p.crypto.HMAC256Generator
Package private for HKDF.
acquire() - Static method in class net.i2p.util.ReusableGZIPInputStream
Pull a cached instance
acquire() - Static method in class net.i2p.util.ReusableGZIPOutputStream
Pull a cached instance
acquire() - Method in class net.i2p.util.TryCache
acquire(int) - Static method in class net.i2p.util.SimpleByteCache
Get the next available array, either from the cache or a brand new one
acquire(TunnelController, I2PSession) - Method in class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.TunnelControllerGroup
Note the fact that the controller is using the session so that it isn't destroyed prematurely.
acquire(RouterContext, boolean) - Static method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.UDPPacket
acquireKey() - Method in class net.i2p.crypto.CryptixAESKeyCache
unused, keys are now cached in the SessionKey objects
acquirePayload() - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.Packet
acquireTmp() - Method in class net.i2p.crypto.HMACGenerator
32 bytes from the byte array cache.
action - Variable in class i2p.susi.dns.BaseBean
Action - Class in org.cybergarage.upnp
Action(Action) - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.Action
Action(Node) - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.Action
Action(Node, Node) - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.Action
ACTION_ADDDEST - Static variable in class net.i2p.client.naming.HostTxtEntry
ACTION_ADDNAME - Static variable in class net.i2p.client.naming.HostTxtEntry
ACTION_ADDSUBDOMAIN - Static variable in class net.i2p.client.naming.HostTxtEntry
ACTION_CHANGEDEST - Static variable in class net.i2p.client.naming.HostTxtEntry
ACTION_CHANGENAME - Static variable in class net.i2p.client.naming.HostTxtEntry
ACTION_FAILED - Static variable in class org.cybergarage.upnp.UPnPStatus
ACTION_REMOVE - Static variable in class net.i2p.client.naming.HostTxtEntry
ACTION_REMOVEALL - Static variable in class net.i2p.client.naming.HostTxtEntry
ACTION_UPDATE - Static variable in class net.i2p.client.naming.HostTxtEntry
actionControlReceived(Action) - Method in interface org.cybergarage.upnp.control.ActionListener
ActionData - Class in org.cybergarage.upnp.xml
ActionData() - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.xml.ActionData
ActionEvent - Class in
ActionEvent() - Constructor for class
ActionList - Class in org.cybergarage.upnp
ActionList() - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.ActionList
ActionListener - Interface in
ActionListener - Interface in org.cybergarage.upnp.control
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class edu.internet2.ndt.Tcpbw100
Action handler method called when an associated action is performed
ActionRequest - Class in org.cybergarage.upnp.control
ActionRequest() - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.control.ActionRequest
ActionRequest(HTTPRequest) - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.control.ActionRequest
ActionResponse - Class in org.cybergarage.upnp.control
ActionResponse() - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.control.ActionResponse
ActionResponse(SOAPResponse) - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.control.ActionResponse
add(byte[]) - Method in class net.i2p.router.Blocklist
Maintain a simple in-memory single-IP blocklist This is used for new additions, NOT for the main list of IP ranges read in from the file.
add(byte[]) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.GeoIP
Add to the list needing lookup Public for BundleRouterInfos
add(byte[]) - Method in class net.i2p.router.util.DecayingBloomFilter
add(byte[], int, int) - Method in class net.i2p.router.util.DecayingBloomFilter
add(byte[], int, int) - Method in class net.i2p.router.util.DecayingHashSet
add(byte[], String) - Method in class net.i2p.router.Blocklist
Maintain a simple in-memory single-IP blocklist This is used for new additions, NOT for the main list of IP ranges read in from the file.
add(double, long, double, long) - Method in class net.i2p.router.web.SummaryListener
add(double, long, double, long) - Method in interface net.i2p.stat.RateSummaryListener
add(int, Component) - Method in class
add(long) - Method in class net.i2p.router.util.DecayingBloomFilter
add(long) - Method in class net.i2p.router.util.DecayingHashSet
add(Component) - Method in class
add(Component) - Method in class
add(E) - Method in class net.i2p.router.util.CachedIteratorCollection
Adds a data object (element) as a Node and sets previous/next pointers accordingly
add(E) - Method in class net.i2p.router.util.CoDelBlockingQueue
add(E) - Method in class net.i2p.router.util.PriBlockingQueue
use offer(o)
add(E) - Method in class net.i2p.util.ArraySet
add(E) - Method in class net.i2p.util.ConcurrentHashSet
add(E) - Method in class net.i2p.util.UnmodifiableSortedSet
add(Object) - Method in class org.cybergarage.util.ListenerList
add(String) - Method in class net.i2p.router.Blocklist
Maintain a simple in-memory single-IP blocklist This is used for new additions, NOT for the main list of IP ranges read in from the file.
add(String) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.GeoIP
Add to the list needing lookup Public for BundleRouterInfos
add(String) - Method in class net.i2p.util.LogConsoleBuffer
add(StringBuilder, boolean, String, String, String, double) - Static method in class net.i2p.stat.PersistenceHelper
add(StringBuilder, boolean, String, String, String, long) - Static method in class net.i2p.stat.PersistenceHelper
add(String, byte[]) - Method in interface com.docuverse.identicon.IdenticonCache
add(String, Component) - Method in class
add(String, Component) - Method in class
add(String, String) - Method in class net.i2p.router.Blocklist
Maintain a simple in-memory single-IP blocklist This is used for new additions, NOT for the main list of IP ranges read in from the file.
add(String, String, Properties) - Method in class net.i2p.sam.PrimarySession
Add a session
add(InetAddress, int) - Method in class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.socks.SOCKSUDPTunnel
add(List<OutboundMessageState>, PeerState) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.OutboundMessageFragments
Short circuit the OutNetMessage, letting us send multiple messages reliably and efficiently.
add(K, int) - Method in class net.i2p.util.ObjectCounterUnsafe
Add a value
add(FieldElement) - Method in class net.i2p.crypto.eddsa.math.bigint.BigIntegerFieldElement
add(FieldElement) - Method in class net.i2p.crypto.eddsa.math.ed25519.Ed25519FieldElement
$h = f + g$
add(FieldElement) - Method in class net.i2p.crypto.eddsa.math.FieldElement
add(GroupElement) - Method in class net.i2p.crypto.eddsa.math.GroupElement
GroupElement addition using the twisted Edwards addition law with extended coordinates (Hisil2008).
add(Hash) - Method in class net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.SearchJob
add(Hash) - Method in class net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool.ExcluderBase
add(I2NPMessage, Hash, TunnelId) - Method in class net.i2p.router.tunnel.PumpedTunnelGateway
Add a message to be sent down the tunnel, either sending it now (perhaps coallesced with other pending messages) or after a brief pause (_flushFrequency).
add(I2NPMessage, Hash, TunnelId) - Method in class net.i2p.router.tunnel.ThrottledPumpedTunnelGateway
Possibly drop a message due to bandwidth before adding it to the preprocessor queue.
add(I2NPMessage, Hash, TunnelId) - Method in class net.i2p.router.tunnel.TunnelGateway
Add a message to be sent down the tunnel, either sending it now (perhaps coallesced with other pending messages) or after a brief pause (_flushFrequency).
add(I2NPMessage, Hash, TunnelId) - Method in class net.i2p.router.tunnel.TunnelGatewayZeroHop
Add a message to be sent down the tunnel (immediately forwarding it to the InboundMessageDistributor or OutboundMessageDistributor, as necessary).
add(I2NPMessage, RouterIdentity, Hash) - Method in class net.i2p.router.InNetMessagePool
Add a new message to the pool.
add(I2NPMessage, RouterIdentity, Hash, long) - Method in class net.i2p.router.InNetMessagePool
Add a new message to the pool.
add(TunnelGatewayMessage) - Method in class net.i2p.router.tunnel.TunnelGateway
Add a message to be sent down the tunnel, where we are the inbound gateway.
add(TunnelGatewayMessage) - Method in class net.i2p.router.tunnel.TunnelGatewayZeroHop
Add a message to be sent down the tunnel, where we are the inbound gateway.
add(MultiSource.MSink) - Method in class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.streamr.MultiSource
add(ClientMessage) - Method in class net.i2p.router.ClientMessagePool
Add a new message to the pool.
add(ClientMessage, boolean) - Method in class net.i2p.router.ClientMessagePool
If we're coming from the client subsystem itself, we already know whether the target is definitely remote and as such don't need to recheck ourselves, but if we aren't certain, we want it to check for us.
add(OutNetMessage) - Method in class net.i2p.router.OutNetMessagePool
Add a new message to the pool
add(OutNetMessage) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp.NTCPSendFinisher
add(OutNetMessage) - Method in interface net.i2p.router.transport.udp.MessageQueue
Add on a new message to the queue
add(OutNetMessage) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.OutboundMessageFragments
Add a new message to the active pool
add(OutNetMessage) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.TimedWeightedPriorityMessageQueue
add(OutboundMessageState) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.PeerState
TODO should this use a queue, separate from the list of msgs pending an ack? TODO bring back tail drop? TODO priority queue? (we don't implement priorities in SSU now) TODO backlog / pushback / block instead of dropping? Can't really block here.
add(OutboundMessageState, PeerState) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.OutboundMessageFragments
Short circuit the OutNetMessage, letting us send the establish complete message reliably.
add(PeerState) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.IntroductionManager
add(PeerState, int) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.OutboundMessageFragments
Add the peer to the list of peers wanting to transmit something.
add(UDPPacket) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.UDPSender
Put it on the queue.
add(UDPPacket, int) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.UDPSender
use add(packet)
add(PendingGatewayMessage) - Method in class net.i2p.router.tunnel.PumpedTunnelGateway
add(Comment) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.comments.CommentSet
Max length for strings enforced in
add(PeerCoordinator) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.PeerCoordinatorSet
add(CommentText) - Method in class org.rrd4j.graph.LegendComposer.Line
add(T) - Method in interface net.i2p.kademlia.KBucket
Add the peer to the bucket
add(T) - Method in class net.i2p.kademlia.KBucketImpl
Sets last-changed if rv is true OR if the peer is already present.
add(T) - Method in class net.i2p.kademlia.KBucketSet
add(T) - Method in interface net.i2p.kademlia.SelectionCollector
add(V) - Method in class net.metanotion.util.skiplist.SkipIterator
addAction(Action) - Method in class org.cybergarage.upnp.Service
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class
addActiveFactories(RrdBackendFactory...) - Static method in class org.rrd4j.core.RrdBackendFactory
Add factories to the list of active factories, i.e.
addAdditionalResourceRecord(Record<? extends Data>) - Method in class org.minidns.dnsmessage.DnsMessage.Builder
addAdditionalResourceRecords(List<Record<? extends Data>>) - Method in class org.minidns.dnsmessage.DnsMessage.Builder
addAlias(Destination, ClientTunnelSettings, Destination) - Method in class net.i2p.router.dummy.DummyTunnelManagerFacade
addAlias(Destination, ClientTunnelSettings, Destination) - Method in class net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool.TunnelPoolManager
Add another destination to the same tunnels.
addAlias(Destination, ClientTunnelSettings, Destination) - Method in interface net.i2p.router.TunnelManagerFacade
Add another destination to the same tunnels.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class net.i2p.util.ConcurrentHashSet
addAll(Collection<? extends Hash>) - Method in class net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool.ExcluderBase
addAndStart(ClientApp, String[]) - Method in class net.i2p.router.startup.RouterAppManager
addAnswer(Record<? extends Data>) - Method in class org.minidns.dnsmessage.DnsMessage.Builder
addAnswers(Collection<Record<? extends Data>>) - Method in class org.minidns.dnsmessage.DnsMessage.Builder
addArchive(String) - Method in class org.rrd4j.core.RrdDef
Adds single archive to RRD definition from a RRDTool-like archive definition string.
addArchive(String, String, ArcDef) - Static method in class org.rrd4j.core.RrdToolkit
Creates a new RRD file with one more archive in it.
addArchive(String, ArcDef, boolean) - Static method in class org.rrd4j.core.RrdToolkit
Adds one more archive to a RRD file.
addArchive(ConsolFun, double, int, int) - Method in class org.rrd4j.core.RrdDef
Adds single archive definition by specifying its consolidation function, X-files factor, number of steps and rows.
addArchive(ArcDef) - Method in class org.rrd4j.core.RrdDef
Adds single archive definition represented with object of class ArcDef.
addArchive(ArcDef...) - Method in class org.rrd4j.core.RrdDef
Adds archive definitions to RRD definition in bulk.
addAttachment(Attachment) - Method in class i2p.susi.webmail.Draft
addAttribute(String, String) - Method in class org.cybergarage.xml.Node
addAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class org.cybergarage.xml.Node
addAuthorization(String, String) - Method in class net.i2p.util.EepGet
Add basic authorization header for the proxy.
addCallBack(I2PProperties.I2PPropertyCallback) - Method in class net.i2p.util.I2PProperties
addCert(File, String, KeyStore) - Static method in class net.i2p.crypto.KeyStoreUtil
Load an X509 Cert from a file and add it to the trusted set of certificates in the key store This does NOT check for revocation.
addCert(File, String, KeyStore, CertStore) - Static method in class net.i2p.crypto.KeyStoreUtil
Load an X509 Cert from a file and add it to the trusted set of certificates in the key store This DOES check for revocation, IF cs is non-null.
addCerts(File, KeyStore) - Static method in class net.i2p.crypto.KeyStoreUtil
Load all X509 Certs from a directory and add them to the trusted set of certificates in the key store This DOES check for revocation.
addClientKeys(String[]) - Method in class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.ui.TunnelConfig
Multiple entries in form Handles either order addClientName/addClientKey
addClientNames(String[]) - Method in class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.ui.TunnelConfig
Multiple entries in form
addClove(GarlicConfig) - Method in class net.i2p.router.message.GarlicConfig
Add a clove to the current message - if any cloves are added, an I2NP message cannot be specified via setPayload.
addClove(GarlicConfig) - Method in class net.i2p.router.message.PayloadGarlicConfig
addComments(List<Comment>) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.Snark
Add to the current comment set for this torrent, creating it if it didn't previously exist.
addConnectionEventListener(I2PTunnel.ConnectionEventListener) - Method in class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.I2PTunnel
addController(TunnelController) - Method in class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.TunnelControllerGroup
Add the given tunnel to the set of known controllers (but dont add it to a config file or start it or anything)
addCountryFile() - Method in class net.i2p.router.Blocklist
The blocklist-country.txt file was created or updated.
addCritical(String) - Method in class net.i2p.util.LogConsoleBuffer
Only adds to the critical buffer, not to both.
addData(long) - Method in class net.i2p.stat.Rate
Accrue the data in the current period as an instantaneous event.
addData(long) - Method in class net.i2p.stat.RateStat
Update all of the rates for the various periods with the given value.
addData(long, long) - Method in class net.i2p.stat.Rate
Accrue the data in the current period as if the event took the specified amount of time If value is always a constant, you should be using Frequency instead.
addData(long, long) - Method in class net.i2p.stat.RateStat
update all of the rates for the various periods with the given value.
addData(String, String, long, long) - Method in class net.i2p.stat.BufferedStatLog
addData(String, String, long, long) - Method in interface net.i2p.stat.StatLog
addDatasource(String) - Method in class org.rrd4j.core.RrdDef
Adds single datasource to RRD definition from a RRDTool-like datasource definition string.
addDatasource(String, String) - Method in class
addDatasource(String, String, double) - Method in class
Use Variable based method instead.
addDatasource(String, String, String, ConsolFun) - Method in class
addDatasource(String, String, String, ConsolFun, String) - Method in class
addDatasource(String, String, String, ConsolFun, RrdBackendFactory) - Method in class
addDatasource(String, String, ConsolFun) - Method in class
Use Variable based method instead.
addDatasource(String, String, DsDef) - Static method in class org.rrd4j.core.RrdToolkit
Creates a new RRD file with one more datasource in it.
addDatasource(String, String, FetchData) - Method in class
addDatasource(String, String, Variable) - Method in class
addDatasource(String, DsDef, boolean) - Static method in class org.rrd4j.core.RrdToolkit
Adds one more datasource to a RRD file.
addDatasource(String, FetchData) - Method in class
addDatasource(String, Plottable) - Method in class
addDatasource(String, DsType, long, double, double) - Method in class org.rrd4j.core.RrdDef
Adds single datasource to RRD definition by specifying its data source name, source type, heartbeat, minimal and maximal value.
addDatasource(DsDef) - Method in class org.rrd4j.core.RrdDef
Adds single datasource definition represented with object of class DsDef.
addDatasource(DsDef...) - Method in class org.rrd4j.core.RrdDef
Adds data source definitions to RRD definition in bulk.
addDatasources(String, Iterable<DsDef>, boolean) - Static method in class org.rrd4j.core.RrdToolkit
Adds datasources to a RRD file.
addDatasources(String, String, Iterable<DsDef>) - Static method in class org.rrd4j.core.RrdToolkit
Creates a new RRD file with one more datasource in it.
addDate(StringBuilder, boolean, String, String, String, long) - Static method in class net.i2p.stat.PersistenceHelper
addDeferred(Job, Job, long, boolean) - Method in class net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.FloodSearchJob
Add jobs to an existing search
addDeferred(Job, Job, long, boolean) - Method in class net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.SearchJob
addDestination(String, Destination) - Method in class net.i2p.client.naming.NamingService
Add a Destination to an existing hostname's entry in the addressbook.
addDestination(String, Destination, Properties) - Method in class net.i2p.client.naming.NamingService
Add a Destination to an existing hostname's entry in the addressbook.
addDestination(String, Destination, Properties) - Method in class net.i2p.router.naming.BlockfileNamingService
Add a Destination to an existing hostname's entry in the addressbook.
addDevice(Device) - Method in class org.cybergarage.upnp.Device
Add a Device to device without checking for duplicate or syntax error.
addDeviceChangeListener(DeviceChangeListener) - Method in class org.cybergarage.upnp.ControlPoint
addDisconnectListener(I2PSocketManager.DisconnectListener) - Method in interface net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocketManager
addDisconnectListener(I2PSocketManager.DisconnectListener) - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.I2PSocketManagerFull
addDisconnectListener(I2PSocketManager.DisconnectListener) - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.MessageHandler
addDontIncludePeer(Hash) - Method in class
Add to the set.
addDontIncludePeers(Collection<Hash>) - Method in class
Add to the set.
addDownloader(Snark) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.SnarkManager
Add and start a FetchAndAdd task.
addEdnsOption(EdnsOption) - Method in class org.minidns.edns.Edns.Builder
addElement(O) - Method in class i2p.susi.util.Folder
Add an element only if it does not already exist
addElements(List<O>) - Method in class i2p.susi.util.Folder
Add elements only if they do not already exist Re-sorts the array if a sorter is set and any elements are actually added.
addEncryptionKey(PublicKey) - Method in class
Add an encryption key.
addEncryptionKey(PublicKey) - Method in class
addEndpoint(Hash, TunnelId) - Method in class
addEndpoint(Lease) - Method in class
addEntries(List<NewsEntry>) - Method in class
Add or replace each entry in the list.
addEvent(String) - Method in class net.i2p.router.util.EventLog
Append an event.
addEvent(String, String) - Method in class net.i2p.router.util.EventLog
Append an event.
addEvent(SimpleTimer.TimedEvent, long) - Method in class net.i2p.util.SimpleScheduler
Queue up the given event to be fired no sooner than timeoutMs from now.
addEvent(SimpleTimer.TimedEvent, long) - Method in class net.i2p.util.SimpleTimer
Queue up the given event to be fired no sooner than timeoutMs from now.
addEvent(SimpleTimer.TimedEvent, long) - Method in class net.i2p.util.SimpleTimer2
Queue up the given event to be fired no sooner than timeoutMs from now.
addEvent(SimpleTimer.TimedEvent, long, boolean) - Method in class net.i2p.util.SimpleTimer
addEventListener(EventListener) - Method in class org.cybergarage.upnp.ControlPoint
addFactories(RrdBackendFactory...) - Static method in class org.rrd4j.core.RrdBackendFactory
addFinalShutdownTask(Runnable) - Method in class net.i2p.router.RouterContext
The last thing to be called before router shutdown.
addFormError(String) - Method in class net.i2p.router.web.FormHandler
Add an error message to display Use if it does not include a link.
addFormErrorNoEscape(String) - Method in class net.i2p.router.web.FormHandler
Add an error message to display Use if it includes a link or other formatting.
addFormNotice(String) - Method in class net.i2p.router.web.FormHandler
Add a non-error message to display Use if it does not include a link.
addFormNoticeNoEscape(String) - Method in class net.i2p.router.web.FormHandler
Add a non-error message to display Use if it includes a link or other formatting.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class net.i2p.util.EepGet
Add an extra header to the request.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class org.cybergarage.http.HTTPPacket
addHeader(HTTPHeader) - Method in class org.cybergarage.http.HTTPPacket
addIcon(Icon) - Method in class org.cybergarage.upnp.Device
addInterestedAndChoking(int) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.PeerCoordinator
addItem() - Method in class net.metanotion.util.skiplist.SkipList
addItem(String) - Method in class
additionalSection - Variable in class org.minidns.dnsmessage.DnsMessage
The additional section.
addJob(Job) - Method in class net.i2p.router.JobQueue
Enqueue the specified job
addKey(String, String) - Method in class net.i2p.crypto.TrustedUpdate
Duplicate keys or names rejected, except that duplicate empty names are allowed
addKeystream(String, String) - Method in class net.i2p.sam.SAMBridge
Specify that the given keystream should be used for the given name
addLease(Lease) - Method in class
addLease(Lease) - Method in class
addLease(Lease) - Method in class
addListener(MLabRunner.ToolRunListener) - Method in interface com.vuze.plugins.mlab.MLabRunner.ToolRun
addListener(I2PSessionListener, int, int) - Method in class net.i2p.client.impl.I2PSessionDemultiplexer
For those that don't need to hear about the protocol and ports in messageAvailable() (Streaming lib)
addListener(Timestamper.UpdateListener) - Method in class net.i2p.router.time.RouterTimestamper
addLog(Log) - Method in class net.i2p.util.LogManager
If the log already exists, its priority is set here but cannot be changed later, as it becomes an "orphan" not tracked by the manager.
addMagnet(String, byte[], String, boolean) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.SnarkManager
Add a torrent with the info hash alone (magnet / maggot)
addMagnet(String, byte[], String, boolean, boolean, File, CompleteListener) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.SnarkManager
Add a torrent with the info hash alone (magnet / maggot) External use is for UpdateRunner.
addMagnet(String, byte[], String, boolean, File) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.SnarkManager
Add a torrent with the info hash alone (magnet / maggot)
addMenu(String, MenuCallback) - Method in interface
Menu will start out shown and enabled, in the root menu
addMenu(String, MenuCallback) - Method in class net.i2p.desktopgui.ExternalMain
Menu will start out shown and enabled, in the root menu
addMenu(String, MenuCallback) - Method in class net.i2p.desktopgui.Main
Menu will start out shown and enabled, in the root menu
addMenu(String, MenuCallback, MenuHandle) - Method in interface
Menu will start out enabled, as a submenu
addMenu(String, MenuCallback, MenuHandle) - Method in class net.i2p.desktopgui.ExternalMain
Menu will start out enabled, as a submenu
addMenu(String, MenuCallback, MenuHandle) - Method in class net.i2p.desktopgui.Main
Menu will start out enabled, as a submenu
addMenu(String, MenuCallback, MenuHandle) - Method in class net.i2p.desktopgui.TrayManager
addMessage(String) - Method in class net.i2p.util.UIMessages
Will remove an old message if over the max size.
addMessage(String) - Method in interface org.klomp.snark.CoordinatorListener
addMessage(String) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.Snark
StorageListener and CoordinatorListener callback
addMessage(String) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.SnarkManager
Use if it does not include a link.
addMessage(String) - Method in interface org.klomp.snark.StorageListener
addMessage(I2CPMessage) - Method in class net.i2p.client.impl.ClientWriterRunner
Add this message to the writer's queue.
addMessage(I2CPMessage) - Method in class net.i2p.router.client.ClientWriterRunner
Add this message to the writer's queue Nonblocking, throws exception if queue is full
addMessage(OutNetMessage) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.InboundEstablishState
Queue a message to be sent after the session is established.
addMessage(OutNetMessage) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.OutboundEstablishState
Queue a message to be sent after the session is established.
addMessage(Snark, String) - Method in interface org.klomp.snark.CompleteListener
addMessage(Snark, String) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.SnarkManager
A Snark.CompleteListener method.
addMessage(Snark, String) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.UpdateRunner
addMessageId(long) - Method in class net.i2p.router.tunnel.PendingGatewayMessage
Add an ID to the list of the TunnelDataMssages this message was fragmented into.
addMessageNoEscape(String) - Method in class net.i2p.util.UIMessages
Use if it includes a link.
addMessageNoEscape(String) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.SnarkManager
Use if it includes a link.
addMimeMapping(String, String) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.web.BasicServlet
addMimeMapping(String, String) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.web.MimeTypes
Set a mime mapping
addMouseListener(MouseAdapter) - Method in class
addMuxedListener(I2PSessionMuxedListener, int, int) - Method in class net.i2p.client.impl.I2PSessionDemultiplexer
For those that do care UDP perhaps
addMuxedSessionListener(I2PSessionMuxedListener, int, int) - Method in interface net.i2p.client.I2PSession
Listen on specified protocol and port, and receive notification of proto, fromPort, and toPort for every message.
addMuxedSessionListener(I2PSessionMuxedListener, int, int) - Method in class net.i2p.client.impl.I2PSessionImpl2
addMuxedSessionListener(I2PSessionMuxedListener, int, int) - Method in class net.i2p.client.impl.I2PSessionMuxedImpl
Listen on specified protocol and port, and receive notification of proto, fromPort, and toPort for every message.
addNameserverRecords(Record<? extends Data>) - Method in class org.minidns.dnsmessage.DnsMessage.Builder
addNamingService(NamingService) - Method in class net.i2p.client.naming.NamingService
Only for chaining-capable NamingServices.
addNamingService(NamingService, boolean) - Method in class net.i2p.client.naming.MetaNamingService
addNamingService(NamingService, boolean) - Method in class net.i2p.client.naming.NamingService
Only for chaining-capable NamingServices.
addNewMessage(MessagePayloadMessage) - Method in class net.i2p.client.impl.I2PSessionImpl
Recieve a payload message and let the app know its available
addNewMessage(MessagePayloadMessage) - Method in class net.i2p.client.impl.I2PSessionMuxedImpl
Receive a payload message and let the app know its available
addNode(Node) - Method in class org.cybergarage.xml.Node
addNotifyListener(NotifyListener) - Method in class org.cybergarage.upnp.ControlPoint
addOne() - Method in class net.i2p.crypto.eddsa.math.bigint.BigIntegerFieldElement
addOne() - Method in class net.i2p.crypto.eddsa.math.FieldElement
addOOMEventListener(I2PThread.OOMEventListener) - Static method in class net.i2p.util.I2PThread
register a new component that wants notification of OOM events
addOOMEventThreadListener(I2PThread.OOMEventListener) - Method in class net.i2p.util.I2PAppThread
register a new component that wants notification of OOM events
addOrSubtract(int, int) - Static method in class
Implements both addition and subtraction -- they are the same in GF(size).
addOrSubtract(GenericGFPoly) - Method in class
addOutboundToken(RemoteHostId, long, long) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.EstablishmentManager
Remember a token that can be used later to connect to the peer
addPage(int) - Method in class
Adds free page and writes new len to disk
addPaths(String, String) - Static method in class org.klomp.snark.web.BasicServlet
Simple version of URIUtil.addPaths()
addPeer(Peer) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.PeerCoordinator
Add peer (inbound or outbound)
addPeer(Peer) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.Piece
caller must synchronize
addPending(Collection<Hash>) - Method in class net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.SearchState
addPending(Hash) - Method in class net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.SearchState
addPending(Hash) - Method in class net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.StoreState
Increments attempted count
addPending(Hash, MessageWrapper.WrappedMessage) - Method in class net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.StoreState
addPeriodicEvent(SimpleTimer.TimedEvent, long) - Method in class net.i2p.util.SimpleScheduler
Queue up the given event to be fired after timeoutMs and every timeoutMs thereafter.
addPeriodicEvent(SimpleTimer.TimedEvent, long) - Method in class net.i2p.util.SimpleTimer2
Schedule periodic event The TimedEvent must not do its own rescheduling.
addPeriodicEvent(SimpleTimer.TimedEvent, long, long) - Method in class net.i2p.util.SimpleScheduler
Queue up the given event to be fired after initialDelay and every timeoutMs thereafter.
addPeriodicEvent(SimpleTimer.TimedEvent, long, long) - Method in class net.i2p.util.SimpleTimer2
Schedule periodic event The TimedEvent must not do its own rescheduling.
addPoints(double, String) - Method in class net.i2p.router.sybil.Points
addPrintLine(String) - Method in class org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphInfo
addPrivateKey(PrivateKey) - Method in class
Add a private key.
addProfile(PeerProfile) - Method in class net.i2p.router.peermanager.ProfileOrganizer
Add the new profile, returning the old value (or null if no profile existed)
addProfilePoints(List<RouterInfo>, Map<Hash, Points>) - Method in class net.i2p.router.sybil.Analysis
addPropertyCallback(I2PProperties.I2PPropertyCallback) - Method in class net.i2p.I2PAppContext
Add a callback, which will fire upon changes in the property given in the specific callback.
addPropertyCallback(I2PProperties.I2PPropertyCallback) - Method in class net.i2p.router.RouterContext
addProvider() - Static method in class net.i2p.crypto.provider.I2PProvider
Install the I2PProvider.
addQuestion(Question) - Method in class org.minidns.dnsmessage.DnsMessage.Builder
addRandomByte(byte) - Method in class gnu.crypto.prng.BasePRNGStandalone
addRandomByte(byte) - Method in class gnu.crypto.prng.DevRandom
addRandomByte(byte) - Method in class gnu.crypto.prng.FortunaStandalone
addRandomByte(byte) - Method in interface gnu.crypto.prng.IRandomStandalone
Supplement, or possibly replace, the random state of this PRNG with a random byte.
addRandomBytes(byte[]) - Method in class gnu.crypto.prng.BasePRNGStandalone
addRandomBytes(byte[]) - Method in class gnu.crypto.prng.DevRandom
addRandomBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface gnu.crypto.prng.IRandomStandalone
Supplement, or possibly replace, the random state of this PRNG with a sequence of new random bytes.
addRandomBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in class gnu.crypto.prng.BasePRNGStandalone
addRandomBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in class gnu.crypto.prng.DevRandom
addRandomBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in class gnu.crypto.prng.FortunaStandalone
addRandomBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface gnu.crypto.prng.IRandomStandalone
Supplement, or possibly replace, the random state of this PRNG with a sequence of new random bytes.
addRate(long) - Method in class net.i2p.stat.RateStat
addRateData(String, long) - Method in class net.i2p.stat.StatManager
Update the given rate statistic, taking note that the given data point was received (and recalculating all rates).
addRateData(String, long, long) - Method in class net.i2p.stat.StatManager
update the given rate statistic, taking note that the given data point was received (and recalculating all rates)
addRecentlyClosed(PeerStateDestroyed) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.UDPTransport
Start listening for packets on a destroyed connection
addRecord(LogRecord) - Method in class net.i2p.util.LogManager
Used by Log to add records to the queue.
addRemotePeerState(PeerState) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.UDPTransport
add the peer info, returning true if it went in properly, false if it was rejected (causes include peer ident already connected, or no remote host info known
addRenderingHints(Map<?, ?>) - Method in class net.i2p.rrd4j.SimpleSVGGraphics2D
addReply(Hash) - Method in class
addRequest() - Method in class org.klomp.snark.PeerState
Adds a new request to the outstanding requests list.
addRequestListener(HTTPRequestListener) - Method in class org.cybergarage.http.HTTPServer
addRequestListener(HTTPRequestListener) - Method in class org.cybergarage.http.HTTPServerList
ADDRESS - Static variable in class org.cybergarage.upnp.ssdp.SSDP
Default IPv4 multicast address for SSDP messages
ADDRESS_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class net.i2p.socks.SOCKS5Constants.Reply
AddressBean - Class in i2p.susi.dns
AddressBean(String, String) - Constructor for class i2p.susi.dns.AddressBean
AddressBlock(byte[], int) - Constructor for class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.SSU2Payload.AddressBlock
AddressBook - Class in net.i2p.addressbook
An address book for storing human readable names mapped to base64 i2p destinations.
AddressBook(File) - Constructor for class net.i2p.addressbook.AddressBook
Construct an AddressBook from the contents of the file at file.
AddressBook(String) - Constructor for class net.i2p.addressbook.AddressBook
Test only.
AddressBook(Map<String, HostTxtEntry>) - Constructor for class net.i2p.addressbook.AddressBook
Construct an AddressBook from the contents of the Map addresses.
AddressBook(Subscription, String, int) - Constructor for class net.i2p.addressbook.AddressBook
Construct an AddressBook from the Subscription subscription.
ADDRESSBOOK - Enum constant in enum net.i2p.update.UpdateType
AddressbookBean - Class in i2p.susi.dns
AddressbookBean() - Constructor for class i2p.susi.dns.AddressbookBean
addressbookDir() - Method in class i2p.susi.dns.BaseBean
AddressByNameSorter - Class in i2p.susi.dns
AddressByNameSorter() - Constructor for class i2p.susi.dns.AddressByNameSorter
Addresses - Class in net.i2p.util
Methods to get the local addresses, and other IP utilities
Addresses() - Constructor for class net.i2p.util.Addresses
addressType - Variable in class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.socks.SOCKSServer
AddressType - Enum in net.i2p.util
AddressType() - Constructor for class net.i2p.socks.SOCKS5Constants.AddressType
addSample(int) - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.SimpleBandwidthEstimator
Records an arriving ack.
addSample(int) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.SimpleBandwidthEstimator
Records an arriving ack.
addSample(int) - Method in interface net.i2p.util.BandwidthEstimator
Records an arriving ack.
addSample(int) - Method in class net.i2p.util.SyntheticREDQueue
Unconditional, never drop.
addSearchListener(SearchListener) - Method in class org.cybergarage.upnp.ssdp.SSDPSearchSocket
addSearchListener(SearchListener) - Method in class org.cybergarage.upnp.ssdp.SSDPSearchSocketList
addSearchResponseListener(SearchResponseListener) - Method in class org.cybergarage.upnp.ControlPoint
addService(Service) - Method in class org.cybergarage.upnp.Device
Add a Service to device without checking for duplicate or syntax error
addSession(I2PSession) - Method in class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.I2PTunnel
addSessionListener(I2PSessionListener, int, int) - Method in interface net.i2p.client.I2PSession
Listen on specified protocol and port.
addSessionListener(I2PSessionListener, int, int) - Method in class net.i2p.client.impl.I2PSessionImpl2
addSessionListener(I2PSessionListener, int, int) - Method in class net.i2p.client.impl.I2PSessionMuxedImpl
Listen on specified protocol and port.
addShiftListener(RouterClock.ClockShiftListener) - Method in class net.i2p.router.RouterClock
addShutdownTask(Runnable) - Method in class net.i2p.I2PAppContext
WARNING - Shutdown tasks are not executed in an I2PAppContext.
addSkipped(Hash) - Method in class net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.StoreState
we aren't even going to try to contact this peer
addSorter(String, Comparator<O>) - Method in class i2p.susi.util.Folder
Adds a new sorter to the folder.
addStateVariable(StateVariable) - Method in class org.cybergarage.upnp.Service
Add the StateVariable to the service.

Note: This method should be used to create a dynamic
Device withtout writing any XML that describe the device
addStatusListener(EepGet.StatusListener) - Method in class net.i2p.util.EepGet
addSubscriber(Subscriber) - Method in class org.cybergarage.upnp.Service
addSubsession(InputStream, Properties) - Method in interface net.i2p.client.I2PSession
addSubsession(InputStream, Properties) - Method in class net.i2p.client.impl.I2PSessionImpl
Router must be connected or was connected...
addSubsession(InputStream, Properties) - Method in class net.i2p.client.impl.SubSession
Unsupported in a subsession.
addSubsession(InputStream, Properties) - Method in interface net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocketManager
For a server, you must call connect() on the returned object.
addSubsession(InputStream, Properties) - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.I2PSocketManagerFull
For a server, you must call connect() on the returned object.
addSubsession(I2PTunnel) - Static method in class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.I2PTunnelClientBase
unused as of 0.9.49
addTag(RatchetSessionTag, RatchetTagSet) - Method in class net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet.RatchetSKM
Map the tag to this tagset.
addTag(RatchetSessionTag, RatchetTagSet) - Method in interface net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet.SessionTagListener
Map the tag to this tagset.
addTime(StringBuilder, boolean, String, String, String, long) - Static method in class net.i2p.stat.PersistenceHelper
addToCache(BlindData) - Method in class net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.BlindCache
Persists immediately if secret or privkey is non-null
addTorrent(MetaInfo, BitField, String, File, boolean) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.SnarkManager
Add a torrent from a MetaInfo.
addTunnel(TunnelInfo) - Method in class net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool.AliasedTunnelPool
addTunnel(TunnelInfo) - Method in class net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool.TunnelPool
Add to the pool.
addUnique(E) - Method in class net.i2p.util.ArraySet
Unconditionally add o to the set.
addUnique(E) - Method in class net.i2p.util.UnmodifiableSortedSet
addUpdateListener(Clock.ClockUpdateListener) - Method in class net.i2p.util.Clock
addValue(String) - Method in class org.cybergarage.xml.Node
addValueToJsonObj(String, String, String) - Static method in class edu.internet2.ndt.JSONUtils
Function that add new value to JSON map
addVersionPoints(List<RouterInfo>, Map<Hash, Points>) - Method in class net.i2p.router.sybil.Analysis
addWebApp(RouterContext, ContextHandlerCollection, String, String, File) - Static method in class net.i2p.router.web.WebAppStarter
add but don't start This is used only by RouterConsoleRunner, which adds all the webapps first and then starts all at once.
addWindowListener(WindowAdapter) - Method in class
ADJUST_COST - Static variable in class net.i2p.router.transport.TransportImpl
Do we increase the advertised cost when approaching conn limits?
adjustClockSkew(long) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.PeerState
Update the moving-average clock skew based on the current difference.
AdvancedSettingsHandler - Class in net.i2p.i2pcontrol.servlets.jsonrpc2handlers
AdvancedSettingsHandler(RouterContext, JSONRPC2Helper) - Constructor for class net.i2p.i2pcontrol.servlets.jsonrpc2handlers.AdvancedSettingsHandler
Advertiser - Class in org.cybergarage.upnp.device
Advertiser(Device) - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.device.Advertiser
aes() - Method in class net.i2p.I2PAppContext
Ok, I'll admit it.
AES_SIZE - Static variable in class net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp.EstablishBase
AESEngine - Class in net.i2p.crypto
Dummy wrapper for AES cipher operation.
AESEngine(I2PAppContext) - Constructor for class net.i2p.crypto.AESEngine
AFSDB - Enum constant in enum org.minidns.record.Record.TYPE
afterScan() - Method in interface net.i2p.router.transport.UPnPScannerCallback
Called after a SSDP search ends.
afterSend(OutNetMessage, boolean) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.TransportImpl
The transport is done sending this message
afterSend(OutNetMessage, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.TransportImpl
The transport is done sending this message
afterSend(OutNetMessage, boolean, boolean, long) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp.NTCPTransport
afterSend(OutNetMessage, boolean, boolean, long) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.TransportImpl
The transport is done sending this message.
afterSend(OutNetMessage, boolean, long) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.TransportImpl
The transport is done sending this message
Aggregates - Class in
This class is deprecated. Uses instance of Variable, used with DataProcessor.addDatasource(String, String, Variable).
Aggregates() - Constructor for class
Aggregator - Class in
Aggregator(long[], double[]) - Constructor for class
ALabel - Class in org.minidns.dnslabel
ALabel(String) - Constructor for class org.minidns.dnslabel.ALabel
algorithm - Variable in class org.minidns.record.DelegatingDnssecRR
The cryptographic algorithm used to create the signature.
algorithm - Variable in class org.minidns.record.DelegatingDnssecRR.SharedData
algorithm - Variable in class org.minidns.record.DNSKEY
The public key's cryptographic algorithm used.
algorithm - Variable in class org.minidns.record.RRSIG
The cryptographic algorithm used to create the signature.
algorithmByte - Variable in class org.minidns.record.DelegatingDnssecRR
The byte value of the cryptographic algorithm used to create the signature.
algorithmByte - Variable in class org.minidns.record.DNSKEY
The byte value of the public key's cryptographic algorithm used.
algorithmByte - Variable in class org.minidns.record.RRSIG
The cryptographic algorithm used to create the signature.
AliasedTunnelPool - Class in net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool
A tunnel pool with its own settings and Destination, but uses another pool for its tunnels.
AliasedTunnelPool(RouterContext, TunnelPoolManager, TunnelPoolSettings, TunnelPool) - Constructor for class net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool.AliasedTunnelPool
ALICE - Enum constant in enum net.i2p.router.transport.udp.PeerTestState.Role
align() - Method in class org.rrd4j.core.jrrd.RRDFile
align(int) - Method in class org.rrd4j.core.jrrd.RRDFile
ALIGN_CENTER_MARKER - Enum constant in enum org.rrd4j.graph.Markers
Constant to represent centered alignment marker
ALIGN_CENTER_MARKER - Static variable in interface org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphConstants
ALIGN_JUSTIFIED_MARKER - Enum constant in enum org.rrd4j.graph.Markers
Constant to represent justified alignment marker
ALIGN_JUSTIFIED_MARKER - Static variable in interface org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphConstants
ALIGN_LEFT_MARKER - Enum constant in enum org.rrd4j.graph.Markers
Constant to represent left alignment marker
ALIGN_LEFT_MARKER - Static variable in interface org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphConstants
ALIGN_LEFTNONL_MARKER - Enum constant in enum org.rrd4j.graph.Markers
Constant to represent left alignment marker, without new line
ALIGN_LEFTNONL_MARKER - Static variable in interface org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphConstants
ALIGN_RIGHT_MARKER - Enum constant in enum org.rrd4j.graph.Markers
Constant to represent right alignment marker
ALIGN_RIGHT_MARKER - Static variable in interface org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphConstants
ALIVE - Static variable in class org.cybergarage.upnp.device.NTS
ALL - Enum constant in enum i2p.susi.webmail.MailCache.FetchMode
ALL_DEVICE - Static variable in class org.cybergarage.upnp.device.ST
ALL_SECTIONS - Static variable in class net.i2p.router.web.helpers.SummaryBarRenderer
allocate(long) - Method in class org.rrd4j.core.RrdAllocator
allocateSend(long) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.PeerState
Pick one or more messages we want to send and allocate them out of our window Adjusts the retransmit timer if necessary.
allocateSend(long) - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.PeerState2
Overridden to retransmit SessionConfirmed also
allocBuffer() - Method in class gnu.crypto.prng.AsyncFortunaStandalone
allocBuffer() - Method in class gnu.crypto.prng.FortunaStandalone
Unused, see AsyncFortunaStandalone
allocPage() - Method in class
ALLOW - Static variable in interface net.i2p.client.streaming.IncomingConnectionFilter
Utility implementation that allows all incoming connections
ALLOW - Static variable in class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.access.Threshold
A Threshold that is never breached
ALLOW_ALL - Enum constant in enum
disable all whitelist and blacklist checks
allowAsIBGW(Hash) - Method in class net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool.TunnelPeerSelector
Should we allow as IBGW? This just checks for the "R" capability and IPv4 support.
allowAsOBEP(Hash) - Method in class net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool.TunnelPeerSelector
Should we allow as OBEP? This just checks for IPv4 support.
allowConnection() - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp.NTCPTransport
allowConnection() - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.udp.UDPTransport
allowDestination(Destination) - Method in interface net.i2p.client.streaming.IncomingConnectionFilter
allowDestination(Destination) - Method in class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.access.AccessFilter
ALLOWED_FAST - Static variable in class org.klomp.snark.Message
allowedFastMessage(int) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.PeerState
BEP 6 Ignored for now
allowedUploaders() - Method in class org.klomp.snark.PeerCoordinator
Return number of allowed uploaders for this torrent.
AllowedValue - Class in org.cybergarage.upnp
AllowedValue(String) - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.AllowedValue
Create an AllowedValue by the value String, and will create the Node structure by itself
AllowedValue(Node) - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.AllowedValue
AllowedValueList - Class in org.cybergarage.upnp
AllowedValueList() - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.AllowedValueList
AllowedValueList(String[]) - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.AllowedValueList
AllowedValueRange - Class in org.cybergarage.upnp
AllowedValueRange() - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.AllowedValueRange
AllowedValueRange(Number, Number, Number) - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.AllowedValueRange
AllowedValueRange(Node) - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.AllowedValueRange
allowGraphical() - Method in class net.i2p.router.web.helpers.NetDbHelper
call for non-text-mode browsers
allowGraphical() - Method in class net.i2p.router.web.helpers.PeerHelper
call for non-text-mode browsers
allowGraphical() - Method in class net.i2p.router.web.helpers.ProfilesHelper
call for non-text-mode browsers
allowIFrame(String) - Method in class net.i2p.router.web.CSSHelper
Should we allow a refreshing IFrame?
allowLocal() - Method in class net.i2p.router.transport.TransportImpl
Are we allowed to connect to local addresses?
allowParallelOperation() - Method in class net.i2p.router.JobQueue
allowReseed() - Method in class net.i2p.router.web.helpers.SummaryHelper
ALPHABET_I2P - Static variable in class
The I2P Alphabet.
AlphaComparator() - Constructor for class net.i2p.router.web.helpers.UDPSorters.AlphaComparator
ALPHANUMERIC - Enum constant in enum
ALT_THEME - Static variable in class net.i2p.router.web.CSSHelper
altAutoscale - Variable in class org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphDef
altAutoscaleMax - Variable in class org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphDef
altAutoscaleMin - Variable in class org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphDef
altYGrid - Variable in class org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphDef
altYMrtg - Variable in class org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphDef
AM - Static variable in class org.rrd4j.core.timespec.TimeToken
Constant AM=5
AMDCPUInfo - Interface in
An interface for classes that provide lowlevel information about AMD CPU's
AMDInfoImpl - Class in
Moved out of Ref: Ref:
AMDInfoImpl() - Constructor for class
Analysis - Class in net.i2p.router.sybil
announce() - Method in class org.cybergarage.upnp.Device
announce(byte[], boolean) - Method in interface org.klomp.snark.dht.DHT
Announce to ourselves.
announce(byte[], boolean) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.dht.KRPC
Announce to ourselves.
announce(byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in interface org.klomp.snark.dht.DHT
Announce somebody else we know about to ourselves.
announce(byte[], byte[], boolean) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.dht.KRPC
Announce somebody else we know about to ourselves.
announce(byte[], byte[], int, long, String, int, long, long, long, int, boolean) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.UDPTrackerClient
Announce and get peers for a torrent.
announce(byte[], int, long, boolean) - Method in interface org.klomp.snark.dht.DHT
Announce to the closest DHT peers.
announce(byte[], int, long, boolean) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.dht.KRPC
Not recommended - use getPeersAndAnnounce().
announce(String) - Method in class org.cybergarage.upnp.Device
announce(String) - Method in class org.cybergarage.upnp.Service
announce(InfoHash, Hash, boolean) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.dht.DHTTracker
announceURL - Variable in class org.klomp.snark.Tracker
answerAllQueries() - Method in class net.i2p.router.networkdb.HandleDatabaseLookupMessageJob
answerAllQueries() - Method in class net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.HandleFloodfillDatabaseLookupMessageJob
answerPings() - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.ConnectionManager
do we respond to pings that aren't on an existing connection?
answerSection - Variable in class org.minidns.dnsmessage.DnsMessage
The answers section records.
antiAliasing - Variable in class org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphDef
ANY - Enum constant in enum
default - LS or RI
ANY - Enum constant in enum org.minidns.record.Record.CLASS
ANY - Enum constant in enum org.minidns.record.Record.TYPE
ANY_V4 - Static variable in class net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool.ConnectChecker
API - Enum constant in enum net.i2p.update.UpdateType
API_VERSION - Static variable in class net.i2p.i2pcontrol.I2PControlVersion
The current version of the I2PControl API being primarily being implemented
APL - Enum constant in enum org.minidns.record.Record.TYPE
App - Class in net.i2p.router.web
App(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class net.i2p.router.web.App
APP_CONFIG_FILE - Static variable in class org.klomp.snark.standalone.RunStandalone
APP_NAME - Static variable in class
APP_NAME - Static variable in class net.i2p.router.sybil.Analysis
The name we register with the ClientAppManager
APP_NAME - Static variable in interface net.i2p.update.UpdateManager
The name we register with the ClientAppManager
append(char) - Method in class i2p.susi.util.StringBuilderWriter
append(char[], int, char) - Static method in class net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet.GrowingArrayUtils
append(int, E) - Method in class net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet.SparseArray
Puts a key/value pair into the array, optimizing for the case where the key is greater than all existing keys in the array.
append(CharSequence) - Method in class i2p.susi.util.StringBuilderWriter
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class i2p.susi.util.StringBuilderWriter
append(String) - Method in class
append(String) - Method in class edu.internet2.ndt.ResultsTextPane
Method to append String into the current document
append(String) - Method in class net.i2p.addressbook.Log
Write entry to a new line in the log, with appropriate time stamp.
append(String) - Method in class net.i2p.rrd4j.SimpleSVGGraphics2D
Graphics2D API bypass, advanced use only
append(T[], int, T) - Static method in class net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet.GrowingArrayUtils
Appends an element to the end of the array, growing the array if there is no more room.
append8BitBytes(String, BitArray, String) - Static method in class
appendAlphanumericBytes(CharSequence, BitArray) - Static method in class
appendBit(boolean) - Method in class
appendBitArray(BitArray) - Method in class
appendBits(int, int) - Method in class
Appends the least-significant bits, from value, in order from most-significant to least-significant.
appendBytes(String, Mode, BitArray, String) - Static method in class
Append "bytes" in "mode" mode (encoding) into "bits".
appendKanjiBytes(String, BitArray) - Static method in class
appendLengthInfo(int, Version, Mode, BitArray) - Static method in class
Append length info.
appendMessage(JSONRPC2Error, String) - Static method in exception class com.thetransactioncompany.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2Error
appendMessage(String) - Method in exception class com.thetransactioncompany.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2Error
Appends the specified string to the message of this JSON-RPC 2.0 error.
appendModeInfo(Mode, BitArray) - Static method in class
Append mode info.
appendNonStdAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class com.thetransactioncompany.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2Message
Appends a non-standard attribute to this JSON-RPC 2.0 message.
appendNumericBytes(CharSequence, BitArray) - Static method in class
appendRecipients(PrintWriter, String[], String) - Static method in class i2p.susi.webmail.Mail
Adds all items from the array to the builder, separated by commas This is for display of a forwarded email.
appendRecipients(StringBuilder, ArrayList<String>, String) - Static method in class i2p.susi.webmail.Mail
Adds all items from the list to the builder, separated by tabs.
appendSortLinks(StringBuilder, String, int, String, int) - Static method in class net.i2p.router.web.helpers.UDPSorters
appendXml(XmlWriter) - Method in class org.rrd4j.core.Archive
appendXml(XmlWriter) - Method in class org.rrd4j.core.ArcState
appendXml(XmlWriter) - Method in class org.rrd4j.core.Datasource
appendXml(XmlWriter) - Method in class org.rrd4j.core.Header
AppletContext - Class in
AppletContext() - Constructor for class
apply(int, int) - Method in interface org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphDef.ImageSource
A image of the required size that will be applied.
applyMaskPenaltyRule1(ByteMatrix) - Static method in class
Apply mask penalty rule 1 and return the penalty.
applyMaskPenaltyRule2(ByteMatrix) - Static method in class
Apply mask penalty rule 2 and return the penalty.
applyMaskPenaltyRule3(ByteMatrix) - Static method in class
Apply mask penalty rule 3 and return the penalty.
applyMaskPenaltyRule4(ByteMatrix) - Static method in class
Apply mask penalty rule 4 and return the penalty.
approveOrDenySecureSession(Properties, Properties) - Method in class net.i2p.sam.SAMSecureSession
Authenticate based on the i2cp username/password.
approveOrDenySecureSession(Properties, Properties) - Method in interface net.i2p.sam.SAMSecureSessionInterface
Within this function, read and accept input from a user to approve a SAM connection.
APR - Static variable in class org.rrd4j.core.timespec.TimeToken
Constant APR=31
ArcDef - Class in org.rrd4j.core
Class to represent single archive definition within the RRD.
ArcDef(ConsolFun, double, int, int) - Constructor for class org.rrd4j.core.ArcDef
Creates new archive definition object.
archive(int, double, long) - Method in class org.rrd4j.core.Archive
archive(Datasource, double, double, long) - Method in class org.rrd4j.core.RrdDb
Archive - Class in org.rrd4j.core
Class to represent single RRD archive in a RRD with its internal state.
Archive - Class in org.rrd4j.core.jrrd
Instances of this class model an archive section of an RRD file.
Archive(RRDatabase) - Constructor for class org.rrd4j.core.jrrd.Archive
Archive(RrdDb, ArcDef) - Constructor for class org.rrd4j.core.Archive
Archive(RrdDb, DataImporter, int) - Constructor for class org.rrd4j.core.Archive
ArcState - Class in org.rrd4j.core
Class to represent internal RRD archive state for a single datasource.
ArcState(Archive, boolean) - Constructor for class org.rrd4j.core.ArcState
area(double, Paint, boolean) - Method in class org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphDef
Add a area like any other but with a constant value, it can be stacked like any other area
area(String, Paint) - Method in class org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphDef
Plots requested data in the form of the filled area starting from zero, using the color specified.
area(String, Paint, String) - Method in class org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphDef
Plots requested data in the form of the filled area starting from zero, using the color specified.
area(String, Paint, String, boolean) - Method in class org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphDef
Plots requested data in the form of the filled area starting from zero, using the color specified.
Area - Class in org.rrd4j.graph
Area(String, Paint, SourcedPlotElement) - Constructor for class org.rrd4j.graph.Area
area_code - Variable in class com.maxmind.geoip.Location
areFilesPublic() - Method in class org.klomp.snark.SnarkManager
args - Variable in class net.i2p.router.startup.ClientAppConfig
Args - Class in net.i2p.apache.http.util
Args() - Constructor for class net.i2p.apache.http.util.Args
Argument - Class in org.cybergarage.upnp
Argument() - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.Argument
Argument(String, String) - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.Argument
Argument(Node) - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.Argument
Argument(Node, Node) - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.Argument
ArgumentData - Class in org.cybergarage.upnp.xml
ArgumentData() - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.xml.ArgumentData
ArgumentList - Class in org.cybergarage.upnp
ArgumentList() - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.upnp.ArgumentList
argv - Variable in class gnu.getopt.Getopt
Saved argument list passed to the program
ARRAY - Enum constant in enum com.maxmind.db.Decoder.Type
ARRAY - Enum constant in enum com.thetransactioncompany.jsonrpc2.JSONRPC2ParamsType
Positional parameters, packed as a JSON array.
ArraySet<E> - Class in net.i2p.util
A small, fast Set with a maximum size, backed by a fixed-size array.
ArraySet() - Constructor for class net.i2p.util.ArraySet
A fixed capacity of MAX_CAPACITY.
ArraySet(int) - Constructor for class net.i2p.util.ArraySet
Adds over capacity will throw a SetFullException.
ArraySet(int, boolean) - Constructor for class net.i2p.util.ArraySet
If throwOnFull is false, adds over capacity will overwrite starting at slot zero.
ArraySet(E[]) - Constructor for class net.i2p.util.ArraySet
A fixed capacity of arr.length.
ArraySet(Collection<? extends E>) - Constructor for class net.i2p.util.ArraySet
A fixed capacity of max(MAX_CAPACITY, c.size()), which may be more than the resulting set size if there are duplicates in c.
ArraySet(Collection<? extends E>, int) - Constructor for class net.i2p.util.ArraySet
A fixed capacity of max(capacity, c.size()), which may be more than the resulting set size if there are duplicates in c.
ArraySet(Set<? extends E>) - Constructor for class net.i2p.util.ArraySet
A fixed capacity of max(MAX_CAPACITY, c.size()) Adds over capacity will throw a SetFullException.
ArraySet(Set<? extends E>, int) - Constructor for class net.i2p.util.ArraySet
A fixed capacity of max(capacity, c.size()) Adds over capacity will throw a SetFullException.
ArraySet.SetFullException - Exception Class in net.i2p.util
ArrayUtils - Class in net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet
ArrayUtils contains some methods that you can call to find out the most efficient increments by which to grow arrays.
arrow - Enum constant in enum org.rrd4j.graph.ElementsNames
The arrow color
as(Class<E>) - Method in class org.minidns.record.Record
Return the record as record with the given Data class.
asBuilder() - Method in class org.minidns.dnsmessage.DnsMessage
ASCII - Enum constant in enum
asCollection(Collection<T>) - Method in class org.json.simple.JsonArray
A convenience method that assumes every element of the JsonArray is castable to T before adding it to a collection of Ts.
asDatagram(InetAddress, int) - Method in class org.minidns.dnsmessage.DnsMessage
asIdn() - Method in class org.minidns.dnsname.DnsName
asInputStream() - Method in class net.i2p.util.ByteArrayStream
All data previously written.
asInt - Variable in enum org.minidns.edns.Edns.OptionCode
asLowercaseVariant() - Method in class org.minidns.dnslabel.DnsLabel
asMessageBuilder() - Method in class org.minidns.dnsmessage.Question
aSN1ToBigInteger(byte[], int) - Static method in class net.i2p.crypto.SigUtil
See above.
asNormalizedVersion() - Method in class org.minidns.dnsmessage.DnsMessage
ASNUM_EDITION - Static variable in class com.maxmind.geoip.DatabaseInfo
ASNUM_EDITION_V6 - Static variable in class com.maxmind.geoip.DatabaseInfo
aspd - Variable in class edu.internet2.ndt.Tcpbw100
asQueryMessage() - Method in class org.minidns.dnsmessage.Question
asRecord() - Method in class org.minidns.edns.Edns
assignValues(DataProcessor) - Method in class org.rrd4j.graph.ConstantArea
assignValues(DataProcessor) - Method in class org.rrd4j.graph.ConstantLine
assignValues(DataProcessor) - Method in class org.rrd4j.graph.SourcedPlotElement
assignValues(DataProcessor) - Method in class org.rrd4j.graph.Stack
Assumption: - Search tag in net.i2p.crypto.eddsa.math.ed25519.Ed25519LittleEndianEncoding.encode(FieldElement)
asTerminalOutput() - Method in class org.minidns.dnsmessage.DnsMessage
Format the DnsMessage object in a way suitable for terminal output.
asTerminalOutput() - Method in class org.minidns.edns.Edns
asTerminalOutput() - Method in class org.minidns.edns.EdnsOption
asTerminalOutputInternal() - Method in class org.minidns.edns.EdnsOption
asTerminalOutputInternal() - Method in class org.minidns.edns.Nsid
asTerminalOutputInternal() - Method in class org.minidns.edns.UnknownEdnsOption
AsyncFortunaStandalone - Class in gnu.crypto.prng
fortuna instance that tries to avoid blocking if at all possible by using separate filled buffer segments rather than one buffer (and blocking when that buffer's data has been eaten) Note that this class is not fully Thread safe! The following methods must be synchronized externally, they are not synced here or in super(): addRandomByte(), addRandomBytes(), nextByte(), nextBytes(), seed()
AsyncFortunaStandalone(I2PAppContext) - Constructor for class gnu.crypto.prng.AsyncFortunaStandalone
at(int) - Method in class org.cybergarage.http.ParameterList
ATMA - Enum constant in enum org.minidns.record.Record.TYPE
att - Variable in class net.i2p.router.web.helpers.LogsHelper
attach(Object) - Method in interface net.i2p.router.transport.FIFOBandwidthLimiter.Request
Only supported if the request is not satisfied
attachEventDispatcher(EventDispatcher) - Method in class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.irc.EventReceiver
attachEventDispatcher(EventDispatcher) - Method in interface net.i2p.util.EventDispatcher
Attach an EventDispatcher object to the events dispatching chain.
attachEventDispatcher(EventDispatcher) - Method in class net.i2p.util.EventDispatcherImpl
attachment() - Method in interface net.i2p.router.transport.FIFOBandwidthLimiter.Request
Attachment - Class in i2p.susi.webmail
Attachment(String, String, String, File) - Constructor for class i2p.susi.webmail.Attachment
attemptFailed(String, long, long, int, int, Exception) - Method in class net.i2p.router.update.NewsFetcher
override for status update
attemptFailed(String, long, long, int, int, Exception) - Method in class net.i2p.router.update.UpdateRunner
attemptFailed(String, long, long, int, int, Exception) - Method in class net.i2p.util.DNSOverHTTPS
attemptFailed(String, long, long, int, int, Exception) - Method in class net.i2p.util.EepGet.CLIStatusListener
attemptFailed(String, long, long, int, int, Exception) - Method in interface net.i2p.util.EepGet.StatusListener
attemptFailed(String, long, long, int, int, Exception) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.web.FetchAndAdd
attemptFailed(String, long, long, int, int, Exception) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.WebPeer
attempting(String) - Method in class net.i2p.router.update.UpdateRunner
attempting(String) - Method in class net.i2p.util.DNSOverHTTPS
attempting(String) - Method in class net.i2p.util.EepGet.CLIStatusListener
attempting(String) - Method in interface net.i2p.util.EepGet.StatusListener
attempting(String) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.web.FetchAndAdd
attempting(String) - Method in class org.klomp.snark.WebPeer
Attribute - Class in org.cybergarage.xml
Attribute() - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.xml.Attribute
Attribute(String, String) - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.xml.Attribute
Attribute(Attribute) - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.xml.Attribute
AttributeList - Class in org.cybergarage.xml
AttributeList() - Constructor for class org.cybergarage.xml.AttributeList
attributes(File) - Static method in class net.i2p.router.web.helpers.FileDumpHelper
AUG - Static variable in class org.rrd4j.core.timespec.TimeToken
Constant AUG=35
AUTH_BAD - Enum constant in enum net.i2p.i2ptunnel.I2PTunnelHTTPClientBase.AuthResult
AUTH_BAD_REQ - Enum constant in enum net.i2p.i2ptunnel.I2PTunnelHTTPClientBase.AuthResult
AUTH_DH - Static variable in class
bits 3-0 including per-client bit
AUTH_FAILURE - Static variable in class net.i2p.socks.SOCKS5Constants
AUTH_GOOD - Enum constant in enum net.i2p.i2ptunnel.I2PTunnelHTTPClientBase.AuthResult
AUTH_NONE - Static variable in class
bits 3-0 including per-client bit
AUTH_ON - Static variable in class
Enabled, unspecified type
AUTH_PSK - Static variable in class
bits 3-0 including per-client bit
AUTH_REALM - Static variable in class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.I2PTunnelConnectClient
AUTH_REALM - Static variable in class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.I2PTunnelHTTPClient
AUTH_REALM - Static variable in class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.socks.I2PSOCKSTunnel
AUTH_STALE - Enum constant in enum net.i2p.i2ptunnel.I2PTunnelHTTPClientBase.AuthResult
AUTH_SUCCESS - Static variable in class net.i2p.socks.SOCKS5Constants
AUTH_VERSION - Static variable in class net.i2p.socks.SOCKS5Constants
AuthenticateHandler - Class in net.i2p.i2pcontrol.servlets.jsonrpc2handlers
AuthenticateHandler(JSONRPC2Helper, SecurityManager) - Constructor for class net.i2p.i2pcontrol.servlets.jsonrpc2handlers.AuthenticateHandler
authenticData - Variable in class org.minidns.dnsmessage.DnsMessage
True if the server regarded the response as authentic.
authMode - Variable in class net.i2p.util.EepGet.AuthState
authoritativeAnswer - Variable in class org.minidns.dnsmessage.DnsMessage
True if this is a authorative response.
authoritySection - Variable in class org.minidns.dnsmessage.DnsMessage
The Authority Section.
authorize(Socket, long, String, String) - Method in class net.i2p.i2ptunnel.I2PTunnelHTTPClientBase
Authorization Ref: RFC 2617 If the socket is an InternalSocket, no auth required.
authorName - Variable in class
authSent - Variable in class net.i2p.util.EepGet.AuthState
AuthState(String, String) - Constructor for class net.i2p.util.EepGet.AuthState
AuthToken - Class in
AuthToken(SecurityManager, String) - Constructor for class
AvailabilityNotifier() - Constructor for class net.i2p.client.impl.I2PSessionImpl.AvailabilityNotifier
available() - Method in class i2p.susi.util.LimitInputStream
available() - Method in class net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.MessageInputStream
available(long, int) - Method in class net.i2p.client.impl.I2PSessionImpl.AvailabilityNotifier
available(long, int) - Method in class net.i2p.client.impl.I2PSessionMuxedImpl.MuxedAvailabilityNotifier
available(long, int, int, int, int) - Method in class net.i2p.client.impl.I2PSessionMuxedImpl.MuxedAvailabilityNotifier
availableEncodings() - Static method in class i2p.susi.webmail.encoding.EncodingFactory
Returns list of available encodings;
average - Variable in class
AVERAGE - Enum constant in enum org.rrd4j.ConsolFun
The average of the data points is stored.
AVERAGE - Enum constant in enum org.rrd4j.core.jrrd.ConsolidationFunctionType
AVERAGE() - Constructor for class
avgrtt - Variable in class edu.internet2.ndt.Tcpbw100
AVGRTT - Static variable in class edu.internet2.ndt.NDTConstants
AXFR - Enum constant in enum org.minidns.record.Record.TYPE
Axis - Class in org.rrd4j.graph
Axis() - Constructor for class org.rrd4j.graph.Axis
AXIS - Enum constant in enum org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphConstants.FontTag
Index of the axis label font.
AZTEC - Enum constant in enum
Aztec 2D barcode format.
AZTEC_DATA_10 - Static variable in class
AZTEC_DATA_12 - Static variable in class
AZTEC_DATA_6 - Static variable in class
AZTEC_DATA_8 - Static variable in class
AZTEC_LAYERS - Enum constant in enum
Specifies the required number of layers for an Aztec code.
AZTEC_PARAM - Static variable in class
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