Class TunnelPeerSelector

Direct Known Subclasses:
ClientPeerSelector, ExploratoryPeerSelector

public abstract class TunnelPeerSelector extends ConnectChecker
Coordinate the selection of peers to go into a tunnel for one particular pool.
  • Constructor Details

    • TunnelPeerSelector

      protected TunnelPeerSelector(RouterContext context)
  • Method Details

    • selectPeers

      public abstract List<Hash> selectPeers(TunnelPoolSettings settings)
      Which peers should go into the next tunnel for the given settings?
      ordered list of Hash objects (one per peer) specifying what order they should appear in a tunnel (ENDPOINT FIRST). This includes the local router in the list. If there are no tunnels or peers to build through, and the settings reject 0 hop tunnels, this will return null.
    • getLength

      protected int getLength(TunnelPoolSettings settings)
      randomized number of hops 0-7, not including ourselves
    • shouldSelectExplicit

      protected boolean shouldSelectExplicit(TunnelPoolSettings settings)
      For debugging, also possibly for restricted routes? Needs analysis and testing
      usually false
    • selectExplicit

      protected List<Hash> selectExplicit(TunnelPoolSettings settings, int length)
      For debugging, also possibly for restricted routes? Needs analysis and testing
      the peers
    • getExclude

      protected Set<Hash> getExclude(boolean isInbound, boolean isExploratory)
      As of 0.9.58, this returns a set populated only by TunnelManager.selectPeersInTooManyTunnels(), for passing to ProfileOrganizer. The set will be populated via the contains() calls.
    • isIPv6Only

      protected boolean isIPv6Only()
      Are we IPv6 only?
    • allowAsOBEP

      protected boolean allowAsOBEP(Hash h)
      Should we allow as OBEP? This just checks for IPv4 support. Will return false for IPv6-only. This is intended for tunnel candidates, where we already have the RI. Will not force RI lookups. Default true.
      0.9.34, protected since 0.9.58 for ClientPeerSelector
    • allowAsIBGW

      protected boolean allowAsIBGW(Hash h)
      Should we allow as IBGW? This just checks for the "R" capability and IPv4 support. Will return false for hidden or IPv6-only. This is intended for tunnel candidates, where we already have the RI. Will not force RI lookups. Default true.
      0.9.34, protected since 0.9.58 for ClientPeerSelector
    • getClosestHopExclude

      protected Set<Hash> getClosestHopExclude(boolean isInbound, Set<Hash> toAdd)
      Pick peers that we want to avoid for the first OB hop or last IB hop. There's several cases of importance:
      1. Inbound and we are hidden - Exclude all unless connected. This is taken care of in ClientPeerSelector and TunnelPeerSelector selectPeers(), not here.
      2. We are IPv6-only. Exclude all v4-only peers, unless connected This is taken care of here.
      3. We have NTCP or SSU disabled. Exclude all incompatible peers, unless connected This is taken care of here.
      4. Minimum version check, if we are some brand-new sig type, or are using some new tunnel build method. Not currently used, but this is where to implement the checks if needed. Make sure that ClientPeerSelector and TunnelPeerSelector selectPeers() call this when needed.
      As of 0.9.58, this a set with only toAdd, for use in ProfileOrganizer. The set will be populated via the contains() calls.
      isInbound -
    • shouldExclude

      public static boolean shouldExclude(RouterContext ctx, RouterInfo peer)
      Should the peer be excluded based on its published caps? Warning, this is also called by ProfileOrganizer.isSelectable()
    • filterSlow

      protected boolean filterSlow(boolean isInbound, boolean isExploratory)
      do we want to skip peers that are slow?
      true unless configured otherwise
    • orderPeers

      protected void orderPeers(List<Hash> rv, SessionKey key)
      see HashComparator
    • checkTunnel

      protected boolean checkTunnel(boolean isInbound, boolean isExploratory, List<Hash> tunnel)
      Connectivity check. Check that each hop can connect to the next, including us. Check that the OBEP is not IPv6-only, and the IBGW is reachable and not hidden or IPv6-only. Tells the profile manager to blame the hop, and returns false on failure.
      tunnel - ENDPOINT FIRST, GATEWAY LAST!!!!, length 2 or greater