Class SummaryHelper


public class SummaryHelper extends HelperBase
Simple helper to query the appropriate router for data necessary to render the summary sections on the router console. For the full summary bar use renderSummaryBar()
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SummaryHelper

      public SummaryHelper()
  • Method Details

    • getIdent

      public String getIdent()
      Retrieve the shortened 4 character ident for the router located within the current JVM at the given context.
    • getVersion

      public String getVersion()
      Retrieve the version number of the router.
    • getUptime

      public String getUptime()
      Retrieve a pretty printed uptime count (ala 4d or 7h or 39m)
    • allowReseed

      public boolean allowReseed()
    • getAllPeers

      public int getAllPeers()
      subtract one for ourselves, so if we know no other peers it displays zero
    • getReachability

      public SummaryHelper.NetworkStateMessage getReachability()
    • getMemory

      public String getMemory()
      Retrieve amount of used memory.
      0.9.32 uncommented
    • getMemoryBar

      public String getMemoryBar()
    • getActivePeers

      public int getActivePeers()
      How many peers we are talking to now
    • showFirewallWarning

      public boolean showFirewallWarning()
      Should we warn about a possible firewall problem?
    • getActiveProfiles

      public int getActiveProfiles()
      How many active identities have we spoken with recently
    • getFastPeers

      public int getFastPeers()
      How many active peers the router ranks as fast.
    • getHighCapacityPeers

      public int getHighCapacityPeers()
      How many active peers the router ranks as having a high capacity.
    • getWellIntegratedPeers

      public int getWellIntegratedPeers()
      How many active peers the router ranks as well integrated.
    • getBanlistedPeers

      public int getBanlistedPeers()
      How many peers are banned.
      0.9.32 uncommented
    • getSecondKBps

      public String getSecondKBps()
      "x.xx / y.yy {K|M}"
    • getFiveMinuteKBps

      public String getFiveMinuteKBps()
      "x.xx / y.yy {K|M}"
    • getLifetimeKBps

      public String getLifetimeKBps()
      "x.xx / y.yy {K|M}"
    • getInboundTransferred

      public String getInboundTransferred()
      How much data have we received since the router started (pretty printed string with 2 decimal places and the appropriate units - GB/MB/KB/bytes)
    • getOutboundTransferred

      public String getOutboundTransferred()
      How much data have we sent since the router started (pretty printed string with 2 decimal places and the appropriate units - GB/MB/KB/bytes)
    • isI2PTunnelRunning

      public boolean isI2PTunnelRunning()
      Are both the webapp and TCG running?
    • getDestinations

      public String getDestinations()
      Client destinations connected locally.
      html section summary
    • getInboundTunnels

      public int getInboundTunnels()
      How many free inbound tunnels we have.
    • getOutboundTunnels

      public int getOutboundTunnels()
      How many active outbound tunnels we have.
    • getInboundClientTunnels

      public int getInboundClientTunnels()
      How many inbound client tunnels we have.
    • getOutboundClientTunnels

      public int getOutboundClientTunnels()
      How many active outbound client tunnels we have.
    • getParticipatingTunnels

      public int getParticipatingTunnels()
      How many tunnels we are participating in.
    • getShareRatio

      public String getShareRatio()
    • getJobLag

      public String getJobLag()
      How lagged our job queue is over the last minute (pretty printed with the units attached)
    • getMessageDelay

      public String getMessageDelay()
      How long it takes us to pump out a message, averaged over the last minute (pretty printed with the units attached)
    • getTunnelLag

      public String getTunnelLag()
      How long it takes us to test our tunnels, averaged over the last 10 minutes (pretty printed with the units attached)
    • getTunnelStatus

      public String getTunnelStatus()
    • getInboundBacklog

      public String getInboundBacklog()
    • getUpdateStatus

      public String getUpdateStatus()
      The update status and buttons
      0.8.13 moved from SummaryBarRenderer
    • getRestartStatus

      public String getRestartStatus()
      The restart status and buttons
      0.8.13 moved from SummaryBarRenderer
    • getFirewallAndReseedStatus

      public String getFirewallAndReseedStatus()
      The firewall status and reseed status/buttons
      0.9 moved from SummaryBarRenderer
    • storeNewsHelper

      public void storeNewsHelper(NewsHelper n)
    • getNewsHelper

      public NewsHelper getNewsHelper()
    • getSummaryBarSections

      public List<String> getSummaryBarSections(String page)
    • saveSummaryBarSections

      static void saveSummaryBarSections(RouterContext ctx, String page, Map<Integer,String> sections)
    • renderSummaryBar

      public void renderSummaryBar() throws IOException
      output the summary bar to _out
    • setAction

      public void setAction(String s)
    • getAction

      public String getAction()
    • setConsoleNonce

      public void setConsoleNonce(String s)
    • getConsoleNonce

      public String getConsoleNonce()
    • setUpdateNonce

      public void setUpdateNonce(String s)
    • getUpdateNonce

      public String getUpdateNonce()
    • setRequestURI

      public void setRequestURI(String s)
    • getRequestURI

      public String getRequestURI()
      non-null; "/home" if (strangely) not set by jsp
    • getConfigTable

      public String getConfigTable()