Class ArgumentList

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Iterable<Argument>, Collection<Argument>, List<Argument>, RandomAccess, SequencedCollection<Argument>

public class ArgumentList extends Vector<Argument>
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ArgumentList

      public ArgumentList()
  • Method Details

    • getArgument

      public Argument getArgument(int n)
    • getArgument

      public Argument getArgument(String name)
    • set

      @Deprecated public void set(ArgumentList inArgList)
    • setReqArgs

      public void setReqArgs(ArgumentList inArgList)
      Set all the Argument which are Input Argoument to the given value in the argument list
      inArgList -
    • setResArgs

      public void setResArgs(ArgumentList outArgList)
      Set all the Argument which are Output Argoument to the given value in the argument list
      outArgList -