Class RrdDef


public class RrdDef extends Object

Class to represent definition of new Round Robin Database (RRD). Object of this class is used to create new RRD from scratch - pass its reference as a RrdDb constructor argument (see documentation for RrdDb class). RrdDef object does not actually create new RRD. It just holds all necessary information which will be used during the actual creation process.

RRD definition (RrdDef object) consists of the following elements:

  • path to RRD that will be created
  • starting timestamp
  • step
  • version, 1 for linear disposition of archives, 2 for matrix disposition
  • one or more datasource definitions
  • one or more archive definitions

RrdDef provides API to set all these elements. For the complete explanation of all RRD definition parameters, see RRDTool's rrdcreate man page.

Sasa Markovic
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final long
    If not specified in constructor, starting timestamp will be set to the current timestamp plus DEFAULT_INITIAL_SHIFT seconds (-10).
    static final long
    Default RRD step to be used if not specified in constructor (300 seconds).
    static final int
  • Constructor Summary

    RrdDef(String rrdpath)
    Creates new RRD definition object with the given path.
    RrdDef(String path, long step)
    Creates new RRD definition object with the given path and step.
    RrdDef(String path, long startTime, long step)
    Creates new RRD definition object with the given path, starting timestamp and step.
    RrdDef(String path, long startTime, long step, int version)
    Creates new RRD definition object with the given path, starting timestamp, step and version.
    RrdDef(URI uri)
    Creates new RRD definition object with the given path.
    RrdDef(URI uri, long step)
    Creates new RRD definition object with the given path and step.
    RrdDef(URI uri, long startTime, long step)
    Creates new RRD definition object with the given path, starting timestamp and step.
    RrdDef(URI uri, long startTime, long step, int version)
    Creates new RRD definition object with the given path, starting timestamp, step and version.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addArchive(String rrdToolArcDef)
    Adds single archive to RRD definition from a RRDTool-like archive definition string.
    addArchive(ConsolFun consolFun, double xff, int steps, int rows)
    Adds single archive definition by specifying its consolidation function, X-files factor, number of steps and rows.
    Adds single archive definition represented with object of class ArcDef.
    addArchive(ArcDef... arcDefs)
    Adds archive definitions to RRD definition in bulk.
    addDatasource(String rrdToolDsDef)
    Adds single datasource to RRD definition from a RRDTool-like datasource definition string.
    addDatasource(String dsName, DsType dsType, long heartbeat, double minValue, double maxValue)
    Adds single datasource to RRD definition by specifying its data source name, source type, heartbeat, minimal and maximal value.
    Adds single datasource definition represented with object of class DsDef.
    addDatasource(DsDef... dsDefs)
    Adds data source definitions to RRD definition in bulk.
    (package private) static long
    calculateSize(int dsCount, int arcCount, int rowsCount, String[] dsNames)
    Returns string that represents all specified RRD creation parameters.
    Exports RrdDef object to string in XML format.
    exportXmlTemplate(boolean compatible)
    Exports RrdDef object to string in XML format.
    Exports RrdDef object to output stream in XML format.
    exportXmlTemplate(OutputStream out, boolean compatible)
    Exports RrdDef object to output stream in XML format.
    Exports RrdDef object to a file in XML format.
    exportXmlTemplate(String filePath, boolean compatible)
    Exports RrdDef object to a file in XML format.
    (package private) ArcDef
    findArchive(ConsolFun consolFun, int steps)
    Returns number of defined archives.
    Returns all archive definition objects specified so far.
    Returns number of defined datasources.
    Returns all data source definition objects specified so far.
    Returns the number of storage bytes required to create RRD from this RrdDef object.
    Returns path for the new RRD.
    (package private) String
    Returns starting time stamp for the RRD that should be created.
    Returns time step for the RRD that will be created.
    Returns URI for the new RRD
    Returns the RRD file version
    (package private) void
    removeArchive(ConsolFun consolFun, int steps)
    Removes all RRA archive definitions.
    (package private) void
    Removes all datasource definitions.
    (package private) void
    Sets path to RRD.
    setPath(URI uri)
    Sets URI to RRD.
    setStartTime(long startTime)
    Sets RRD's starting timestamp.
    Sets RRD's starting timestamp.
    Sets RRD's starting timestamp.
    setStep(long step)
    Sets RRD's time step.
    setVersion(int version)
    Sets RRD's file version.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final long DEFAULT_STEP
      Default RRD step to be used if not specified in constructor (300 seconds).
      See Also:

      public static final long DEFAULT_INITIAL_SHIFT
      If not specified in constructor, starting timestamp will be set to the current timestamp plus DEFAULT_INITIAL_SHIFT seconds (-10).
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULTVERSION
      Constant DEFAULTVERSION=2
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • RrdDef

      public RrdDef(String rrdpath)

      Creates new RRD definition object with the given path. When this object is passed to RrdDb constructor, new RRD will be created using the specified path.

      The will be transformed internally to an URI using the default backend factory.

      rrdpath - Path to new RRD.
    • RrdDef

      public RrdDef(URI uri)
      Creates new RRD definition object with the given path. When this object is passed to RrdDb constructor, new RRD will be created using the specified path.
      uri - URI to the new RRD.
    • RrdDef

      public RrdDef(String path, long step)

      Creates new RRD definition object with the given path and step.

      The will be transformed internally to an URI using the default backend factory.

      path - URI to new RRD.
      step - RRD step.
    • RrdDef

      public RrdDef(URI uri, long step)
      Creates new RRD definition object with the given path and step.
      uri - URI to new RRD.
      step - RRD step.
    • RrdDef

      public RrdDef(String path, long startTime, long step)

      Creates new RRD definition object with the given path, starting timestamp and step.

      The will be transformed internally to an URI using the default backend factory.

      path - Path to new RRD.
      startTime - RRD starting timestamp.
      step - RRD step.
    • RrdDef

      public RrdDef(URI uri, long startTime, long step)
      Creates new RRD definition object with the given path, starting timestamp and step.
      uri - URI to new RRD.
      startTime - RRD starting timestamp.
      step - RRD step.
    • RrdDef

      public RrdDef(String path, long startTime, long step, int version)

      Creates new RRD definition object with the given path, starting timestamp, step and version.

      The will be transformed internally to an URI using the default backend factory.

      path - Path to new RRD.
      startTime - RRD starting timestamp.
      step - RRD step.
      version - RRD's file version.
    • RrdDef

      public RrdDef(URI uri, long startTime, long step, int version)
      Creates new RRD definition object with the given path, starting timestamp, step and version.
      uri - URI to new RRD.
      startTime - RRD starting timestamp.
      step - RRD step.
      version - RRD's file version.
  • Method Details

    • getPath

      public String getPath()
      Returns path for the new RRD. It's extracted from the URI. If it's an opaque URI, it return the scheme specific part.
      It's not a reliable way to resolve an file path. Instead, one should use Paths.get(def.getUri()) when the URI scheme is file.
      path to the new RRD which should be created
    • getUri

      public URI getUri()
      Returns URI for the new RRD
      URI to the new RRD which should be created
    • getStartTime

      public long getStartTime()
      Returns starting time stamp for the RRD that should be created.
      RRD starting time stamp
    • getStep

      public long getStep()
      Returns time step for the RRD that will be created.
      RRD step
    • getVersion

      public int getVersion()
      Returns the RRD file version
      the version
    • setPath

      public void setPath(String path)

      Sets path to RRD.

      The will be transformed internally to an URI using the default backend factory.

      path - path to new RRD.
    • setPath

      public void setPath(URI uri)
      Sets URI to RRD.
      uri - URI to new RRD.
    • setStartTime

      public void setStartTime(long startTime)
      Sets RRD's starting timestamp.
      startTime - Starting timestamp.
    • setStartTime

      public void setStartTime(Date date)
      Sets RRD's starting timestamp.
      date - starting date
    • setStartTime

      public void setStartTime(Calendar gc)
      Sets RRD's starting timestamp.
      gc - starting date
    • setStep

      public void setStep(long step)
      Sets RRD's time step.
      step - RRD time step.
    • setVersion

      public void setVersion(int version)
      Sets RRD's file version.
      version - the version to set
    • addDatasource

      public void addDatasource(DsDef dsDef)
      Adds single datasource definition represented with object of class DsDef.
      dsDef - Datasource definition.
    • addDatasource

      public void addDatasource(String dsName, DsType dsType, long heartbeat, double minValue, double maxValue)

      Adds single datasource to RRD definition by specifying its data source name, source type, heartbeat, minimal and maximal value. For the complete explanation of all data source definition parameters see RRDTool's rrdcreate man page.

      IMPORTANT NOTE: If datasource name ends with '!', corresponding archives will never store NaNs as datasource values. In that case, NaN datasource values will be silently replaced with zeros by the framework.

      dsName - Data source name.
      dsType - Data source type. Valid types are "COUNTER", "GAUGE", "DERIVE" and "ABSOLUTE" (these string constants are conveniently defined in the DsType class).
      heartbeat - Data source heartbeat.
      minValue - Minimal acceptable value. Use Double.NaN if unknown.
      maxValue - Maximal acceptable value. Use Double.NaN if unknown.
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if new datasource definition uses already used data source name.
    • addDatasource

      public void addDatasource(String rrdToolDsDef)

      Adds single datasource to RRD definition from a RRDTool-like datasource definition string. The string must have six elements separated with colons (:) in the following order:


      For example:


      For more information on datasource definition parameters see rrdcreate man page.

      rrdToolDsDef - Datasource definition string with the syntax borrowed from RRDTool.
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if invalid string is supplied.
    • addDatasource

      public void addDatasource(DsDef... dsDefs)
      Adds data source definitions to RRD definition in bulk.
      dsDefs - Array of data source definition objects.
    • addArchive

      public void addArchive(ArcDef arcDef)
      Adds single archive definition represented with object of class ArcDef.
      arcDef - Archive definition.
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if archive with the same consolidation function and the same number of steps is already added.
    • addArchive

      public void addArchive(ArcDef... arcDefs)
      Adds archive definitions to RRD definition in bulk.
      arcDefs - Array of archive definition objects
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if RRD definition already contains archive with the same consolidation function and the same number of steps.
    • addArchive

      public void addArchive(ConsolFun consolFun, double xff, int steps, int rows)
      Adds single archive definition by specifying its consolidation function, X-files factor, number of steps and rows. For the complete explanation of all archive definition parameters see RRDTool's rrdcreate man page.
      consolFun - Consolidation function.
      xff - X-files factor. Valid values are between 0 and 1.
      steps - Number of archive steps
      rows - Number of archive rows
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if archive with the same consolidation function and the same number of steps is already added.
    • addArchive

      public void addArchive(String rrdToolArcDef)

      Adds single archive to RRD definition from a RRDTool-like archive definition string. The string must have five elements separated with colons (:) in the following order:


      For example:


      For more information on archive definition parameters see rrdcreate man page.

      rrdToolArcDef - Archive definition string with the syntax borrowed from RRDTool.
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if invalid string is supplied.
    • getDsDefs

      public DsDef[] getDsDefs()
      Returns all data source definition objects specified so far.
      Array of data source definition objects
    • getArcDefs

      public ArcDef[] getArcDefs()
      Returns all archive definition objects specified so far.
      Array of archive definition objects.
    • getDsCount

      public int getDsCount()
      Returns number of defined datasources.
      Number of defined datasources.
    • getArcCount

      public int getArcCount()
      Returns number of defined archives.
      Number of defined archives.
    • dump

      public String dump()
      Returns string that represents all specified RRD creation parameters. Returned string has the syntax of RRDTool's create command.
      Dumped content of RrdDb object.
    • getRrdToolCommand

      String getRrdToolCommand()
    • removeDatasource

      void removeDatasource(String dsName)
    • saveSingleDatasource

      void saveSingleDatasource(String dsName)
    • removeArchive

      void removeArchive(ConsolFun consolFun, int steps)
    • findArchive

      ArcDef findArchive(ConsolFun consolFun, int steps)
    • exportXmlTemplate

      public void exportXmlTemplate(OutputStream out)

      Exports RrdDef object to output stream in XML format. Generated XML code can be parsed with RrdDefTemplate class.

      It use a format compatible with previous RRD4J's version, using a path, instead of an URI.

      out - Output stream
    • exportXmlTemplate

      public void exportXmlTemplate(OutputStream out, boolean compatible)
      Exports RrdDef object to output stream in XML format. Generated XML code can be parsed with RrdDefTemplate class.

      If compatible is set to true, it returns an XML compatible with previous RRD4J's versions, using a path, instead of an URI.

      out - Output stream
      compatible - Compatible with previous versions.
    • exportXmlTemplate

      public String exportXmlTemplate(boolean compatible)

      Exports RrdDef object to string in XML format. Generated XML string can be parsed with RrdDefTemplate class.

      If compatible is set to true, it returns an XML compatible with previous RRD4J's versions, using a path, instead of an URI.

      compatible - Compatible with previous versions.
      XML formatted string representing this RrdDef object
    • exportXmlTemplate

      public String exportXmlTemplate()

      Exports RrdDef object to string in XML format. Generated XML string can be parsed with RrdDefTemplate class.

      It use a format compatible with previous RRD4J's version, using a path, instead of an URI.

      XML formatted string representing this RrdDef object
    • exportXmlTemplate

      public void exportXmlTemplate(String filePath) throws IOException

      Exports RrdDef object to a file in XML format. Generated XML code can be parsed with RrdDefTemplate class.

      It use a format compatible with previous RRD4J's version, using a path, instead of an URI.

      filePath - Path to the file
      IOException - if any.
    • exportXmlTemplate

      public void exportXmlTemplate(String filePath, boolean compatible) throws IOException

      Exports RrdDef object to a file in XML format. Generated XML code can be parsed with RrdDefTemplate class.

      If compatible is set to true, it returns an XML compatible with previous RRD4J versions, using a path, instead of an URI.

      filePath - Path to the file
      compatible - Compatible with previous versions.
      IOException - if any.
    • getEstimatedSize

      public long getEstimatedSize()
      Returns the number of storage bytes required to create RRD from this RrdDef object.
      Estimated byte count of the underlying RRD storage.
    • calculateSize

      static long calculateSize(int dsCount, int arcCount, int rowsCount, String[] dsNames)
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)

      Compares the current RrdDef with another. RrdDefs are considered equal if:

      • RRD steps match
      • all datasources have exactly the same definition in both RrdDef objects (datasource names, types, heartbeat, min and max values must match)
      • all archives have exactly the same definition in both RrdDef objects (archive consolidation functions, X-file factors, step and row counts must match)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • hasDatasources

      public boolean hasDatasources()


      a boolean.
    • hasArchives

      public boolean hasArchives()


      a boolean.
    • removeDatasources

      public void removeDatasources()
      Removes all datasource definitions.
    • removeArchives

      public void removeArchives()
      Removes all RRA archive definitions.