Package net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool

package net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool

Tunnel creation, tunnel build message handling. Peer selection for tunnels. Grouping of tunnels into inbound and outbound pools. Pool configuration. Adaptive tunnel build strategy. Build request throttling, acceptance, rejection, and dropping based on local statistics and conditions.

  • Class
    A tunnel pool with its own settings and Destination, but uses another pool for its tunnels.
    Single threaded controller of the tunnel creation process, spanning all tunnel pools.
    Handle the received tunnel build message requests and replies, including sending responsses to requests, updating the lists of our tunnels and participating tunnels, and updating stats.
    Fill in the encrypted BuildRequestRecords in a TunnelBuildMessage
    Receive the build message at a certain hop, decrypt its encrypted record, read the enclosed tunnel request, decide how to reply, write the reply, encrypt the reply record, and return a TunnelBuildMessage to forward on to the next hop.
    Decrypt the layers of a tunnel build reply message, determining whether the individual hops agreed to participate in the tunnel, or if not, why not.
    Methods for creating Tunnel Build Messages, i.e.
    Pick peers randomly out of the fast pool, and put them into tunnels ordered by XOR distance from a random key.
    Tools to check transport compatibility.
    A Set of Hashes that automatically adds to the Set in the contains() check.
    This runs twice for each tunnel.
    Pick peers randomly out of the not-failing pool, and put them into a tunnel ordered by XOR distance from a random key.
    Count how often we have accepted a tunnel with the peer as the previous or next hop.
    Data about a tunnel we created
    Like ParticipatingThrottler, but checked much earlier, cleaned more frequently, and with more than double the min and max limits.
    Repeatedly test a single tunnel for its entire lifetime, or until the pool is shut down or removed from the client manager.
    Coordinate the selection of peers to go into a tunnel for one particular pool.
    A group of tunnels for the router or a particular client, in a single direction.
    Manage all the exploratory and client tunnel pools.