
Class LeaseSet

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, DataStructure
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class LeaseSet extends DatabaseEntry
Defines the set of leases a destination currently has. Support encryption and decryption with a supplied key. Only the gateways and tunnel IDs in the individual leases are encrypted. WARNING: Encryption is poorly designed and probably insecure. Not recommended. Encrypted leases are not indicated as such. The only way to tell a lease is encrypted is to determine that the listed gateways do not exist. Routers wishing to decrypt a leaseset must have the desthash and key in their keyring. This is required for the local router as well, since the encryption is done on the client side of I2CP, the router must decrypt it back again for local usage (but not for transmission to the floodfills) Decrypted leases are only available through the getLease() method, so that storage and network transmission via writeBytes() will output the original encrypted leases and the original leaseset signature. Revocation (zero leases) isn't used anywhere. In addition: - A revoked leaseset has an EarliestLeaseDate of -1, so it will never be stored successfully. - Revocation of an encrypted leaseset will explode. - So having an included signature at all is pointless?
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • _destination

      protected Destination _destination
    • _encryptionKey

      protected PublicKey _encryptionKey
    • _signingKey

      protected SigningPublicKey _signingKey
    • _leases

      protected final List<Lease> _leases
    • _lastExpiration

      protected long _lastExpiration
    • _checked

      protected boolean _checked
    • _byteified

      protected volatile byte[] _byteified

      public static final int MAX_LEASES
      Unlimited before 0.6.3; 6 as of 0.6.3; Increased in version 0.9. Leasesets larger than 6 should be used with caution, as each lease adds 44 bytes, and routers older than version 0.9 will not be able to connect as they will throw an exception in readBytes(). Also, the churn will be quite rapid, leading to frequent netdb stores and transmission on existing connections. However we increase it now in case some hugely popular eepsite arrives. Strategies elsewhere in the router to efficiently handle large leasesets are TBD.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • LeaseSet

      public LeaseSet()
  • Method Details

    • getDate

      public long getDate()
      Same as getEarliestLeaseDate()
      Specified by:
      getDate in class DatabaseEntry
    • getKeysAndCert

      public KeysAndCert getKeysAndCert()
      Description copied from class: DatabaseEntry
      Get the keys and the cert Identical to getDestination() in LeaseSet, and getIdentity() in RouterInfo.
      Specified by:
      getKeysAndCert in class DatabaseEntry
      KAC or null
    • getType

      public int getType()
      Description copied from class: DatabaseEntry
      Get the type of the data structure. This should be faster than instanceof.
      Specified by:
      getType in class DatabaseEntry
    • getDestination

      public Destination getDestination()
      Warning - will be null for LS2 EncryptedLeaseSets if not decrypted
      Destination or null
    • setDestination

      public void setDestination(Destination dest)
      IllegalStateException - if already signed
    • getEncryptionKey

      public PublicKey getEncryptionKey()
    • getEncryptionKey

      public PublicKey getEncryptionKey(Set<EncType> supported)
      If more than one key, return the first supported one. If none supported, return null.
      supported - what return types are allowed
      ElGamal key or null if ElGamal not in supported
    • setEncryptionKey

      public void setEncryptionKey(PublicKey encryptionKey)
      IllegalStateException - if already signed
    • getSigningKey

      public SigningPublicKey getSigningKey()
      The revocation key. Undeprecated as of 0.9.38, used for the blinded key in EncryptedLeaseSet.
      the revocation key for LS1, null for LS2 except blinded key for encrypted LS2
    • setSigningKey

      public void setSigningKey(SigningPublicKey key)
      The revocation key. Unused except for encrypted LS2. Must be the same type as the Destination's SigningPublicKey.
      IllegalArgumentException - if different type
    • setReceivedBy

      public void setReceivedBy(Hash localClient)
      Also sets receivedAsReply to true
      setReceivedBy in class DatabaseEntry
      localClient - may be null
    • addLease

      public void addLease(Lease lease)
      IllegalStateException - if already signed
    • getLeaseCount

      public int getLeaseCount()
      0-16 A LeaseSet with no leases is revoked.
    • getLease

      public Lease getLease(int index)
    • getEarliestLeaseDate

      public long getEarliestLeaseDate()
      Retrieve the end date of the earliest lease included in this leaseSet. This is the date that should be used in comparisons for leaseSet age - to determine which LeaseSet was published more recently (later earliestLeaseSetDate means it was published later) Warning - do not use this for version comparison for LeaseSet2. Use LeaseSet2.getPublished() instead.
      earliest end date of any lease in the set, or -1 if there are no leases
    • getLatestLeaseDate

      public long getLatestLeaseDate()
      Retrieve the end date of the latest lease included in this leaseSet. This is the date used in isCurrent().
      latest end date of any lease in the set, or 0 if there are no leases
    • verifySignature

      public boolean verifySignature()
      Verify that the signature matches the lease set's destination's signing public key. As of 0.9.47, revocation is not checked.
      verifySignature in class DatabaseEntry
      true only if the signature matches
    • verifySignature

      @Deprecated public boolean verifySignature(SigningPublicKey signingKey)
      revocation unused
      Verify that the signature matches the lease set's destination's signing public key. As of 0.9.47, revocation is not checked.
      true only if the signature matches
    • isCurrent

      public boolean isCurrent(long fudge)
      Determine whether ANY lease is currently valid, at least within a given fudge factor
      fudge - milliseconds fudge factor to allow between the current time
      true if there are current leases, false otherwise
    • getBytes

      protected byte[] getBytes()
      without sig!
      Specified by:
      getBytes in class DatabaseEntry
      null on error ???????????????????????
    • readBytes

      public void readBytes(InputStream in) throws DataFormatException, IOException
      This does NOT validate the signature
      in - stream to read from
      IllegalStateException - if called more than once or Destination already set
      DataFormatException - if the data is improperly formatted
      IOException - if there was a problem reading the stream
    • writeBytes

      public void writeBytes(OutputStream out) throws DataFormatException, IOException
      This does NOT validate the signature
      out - stream to write to
      DataFormatException - if the data was incomplete or not yet ready to be written
      IOException - if there was a problem writing to the stream
    • size

      public int size()
      Number of bytes, NOT including signature
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object object)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      the destination has enough randomness in it to use it by itself for speed
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • encrypt

      public void encrypt(SessionKey key)
      Encrypt the gateway and tunnel ID of each lease, leaving the expire dates unchanged. This adds an extra dummy lease, because AES data must be padded to 16 bytes. The fact that it is encrypted is not stored anywhere. Must be called after all the leases are in place, but before sign().