Class TimeSpec


public class TimeSpec extends Object
Simple class to represent time obtained by parsing at-style date specification (described in detail on the rrdfetch man page. See javadoc for TimeParser for more information.
  • Field Details


      static final int TYPE_ABSOLUTE
      See Also:

      static final int TYPE_START
      See Also:
    • TYPE_END

      static final int TYPE_END
      See Also:
    • type

      int type
    • year

      int year
    • month

      int month
    • day

      int day
    • hour

      int hour
    • min

      int min
    • sec

      int sec
    • wday

      int wday
    • dyear

      int dyear
    • dmonth

      int dmonth
    • dday

      int dday
    • dhour

      int dhour
    • dmin

      int dmin
    • dsec

      int dsec
    • dateString

      final String dateString
    • context

      TimeSpec context
  • Constructor Details

    • TimeSpec

      TimeSpec(String dateString)
  • Method Details

    • localtime

      void localtime(long timestamp)
    • getTime

    • getTimestamp

      public long getTimestamp()

      Returns the corresponding timestamp (seconds since Epoch). Example:

       TimeParser p = new TimeParser("now-1day");
       TimeSpec ts = p.parse();
       System.out.println("Timestamp was: " + ts.getTimestamp();
      Timestamp (in seconds, no milliseconds)
    • dump

      String dump()
    • getTimes

      public static Calendar[] getTimes(TimeSpec spec1, TimeSpec spec2)

      Use this static method to resolve relative time references and obtain the corresponding Calendar objects. Example:

       TimeParser pStart = new TimeParser("now-1month"); // starting time
       TimeParser pEnd = new TimeParser("start+1week");  // ending time
       TimeSpec specStart = pStart.parse();
       TimeSpec specEnd = pEnd.parse();
       GregorianCalendar[] gc = TimeSpec.getTimes(specStart, specEnd);
      spec1 - Starting time specification
      spec2 - Ending time specification
      Two element array containing Calendar objects
    • getTimestamps

      public static long[] getTimestamps(TimeSpec spec1, TimeSpec spec2)

      Use this static method to resolve relative time references and obtain the corresponding timestamps (seconds since epoch). Example:

       TimeParser pStart = new TimeParser("now-1month"); // starting time
       TimeParser pEnd = new TimeParser("start+1week");  // ending time
       TimeSpec specStart = pStart.parse();
       TimeSpec specEnd = pEnd.parse();
       long[] ts = TimeSpec.getTimestamps(specStart, specEnd);
      spec1 - Starting time specification
      spec2 - Ending time specification
      array containing two timestamps (in seconds since epoch)