Class DummyClientManagerFacade

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DummyClientManagerFacade extends ClientManagerFacade
Manage all interactions with clients
  • Constructor Details

    • DummyClientManagerFacade

      public DummyClientManagerFacade(RouterContext ctx)
  • Method Details

    • isLocal

      public boolean isLocal(Hash destHash)
      Description copied from class: ClientManagerFacade
      Determine if the destination hash specified is managed locally. This call DOES block.
      Specified by:
      isLocal in class ClientManagerFacade
      destHash - Hash of Destination to be checked
    • isLocal

      public boolean isLocal(Destination dest)
      Description copied from class: ClientManagerFacade
      Determine if the destination specified is managed locally. This call DOES block.
      Specified by:
      isLocal in class ClientManagerFacade
      dest - Destination to be checked
    • reportAbuse

      public void reportAbuse(Destination dest, String reason, int severity)
      Description copied from class: ClientManagerFacade
      Instruct the client (or all clients) that they are under attack. This call does not block.
      Specified by:
      reportAbuse in class ClientManagerFacade
      dest - Destination under attack, or null if all destinations are affected
      reason - Why the router thinks that there is abusive behavior
      severity - How severe the abuse is, with 0 being not severe and 255 is the max
    • messageReceived

      public void messageReceived(ClientMessage msg)
      Specified by:
      messageReceived in class ClientManagerFacade
    • requestLeaseSet

      public void requestLeaseSet(Destination dest, LeaseSet set, long timeout, Job onCreateJob, Job onFailedJob)
      Description copied from class: ClientManagerFacade
      Request that a particular client authorize the Leases contained in the LeaseSet, after which the onCreateJob is queued up. If that doesn't occur within the timeout specified, queue up the onFailedJob. This call does not block.
      Specified by:
      requestLeaseSet in class ClientManagerFacade
      dest - Destination from which the LeaseSet's authorization should be requested
      set - LeaseSet with requested leases - this object must be updated to contain the signed version (as well as any changed/added/removed Leases)
      timeout - ms to wait before failing
      onCreateJob - Job to run after the LeaseSet is authorized
      onFailedJob - Job to run after the timeout passes without receiving authorization
    • startup

      public void startup()
      Description copied from interface: Service
      Instruct the service that it should start normal operation. This call DOES block until the service is ready.
    • stopAcceptingClients

      public void stopAcceptingClients()
    • shutdown

      public void shutdown()
      Description copied from interface: Service
      Instruct the service that the router is shutting down and that it should do whatever is necessary to go down gracefully. It should not depend on other components at this point. This call DOES block.
    • shutdown

      public void shutdown(String msg)
      Specified by:
      shutdown in class ClientManagerFacade
    • restart

      public void restart()
      Description copied from interface: Service
      Perform a soft restart.
    • messageDeliveryStatusUpdate

      public void messageDeliveryStatusUpdate(Destination fromDest, MessageId id, long msgNonce, int status)
      Specified by:
      messageDeliveryStatusUpdate in class ClientManagerFacade
      id - the router's ID for this message
      msgNonce - the client's ID for this message
      status - see I2CP MessageStatusMessage for success/failure codes
    • getClientSessionConfig

      public SessionConfig getClientSessionConfig(Destination _dest)
      Description copied from class: ClientManagerFacade
      Return the client's current config, or null if not connected
      Specified by:
      getClientSessionConfig in class ClientManagerFacade
    • getClientSessionKeyManager

      public SessionKeyManager getClientSessionKeyManager(Hash _dest)
      Specified by:
      getClientSessionKeyManager in class ClientManagerFacade
    • requestLeaseSet

      public void requestLeaseSet(Hash dest, LeaseSet set)
      Specified by:
      requestLeaseSet in class ClientManagerFacade
    • getClientFloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade

      public FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade getClientFloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade(Hash dbid)
      Description copied from class: ClientManagerFacade
      get the FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade associated with a particular client destination. This is inside the runner, so it won't be there if the runner isn't ready.
      Specified by:
      getClientFloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade in class ClientManagerFacade
      dbid - destination hash associated with the client who's subDb we're looking for
      non-null FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade
    • getPrimaryHashes

      public Set<Hash> getPrimaryHashes()
      Description copied from class: ClientManagerFacade
      get a set of all primary hashes
      Specified by:
      getPrimaryHashes in class ClientManagerFacade
      non-null set of Hashes