Interface DataHolder

All Known Implementing Classes:
DataProcessor, RrdGraphDef

public interface DataHolder
Fabrice Bacchella
  • Field Details


      static final boolean DEFAULT_POOL_USAGE_POLICY
      Constant that defines the default RrdDbPool usage policy. Defaults to false (i.e. the pool will not be used to fetch data from RRD files)
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • isPoolUsed

      boolean isPoolUsed()
      Returns boolean value representing RrdDbPool usage policy.
      true, if the pool will be used internally to fetch data from RRD files, false otherwise.
    • setPoolUsed

      void setPoolUsed(boolean poolUsed)
      Sets the RrdDbPool usage policy.
      poolUsed - true, if the pool will be used to fetch data from RRD files, false otherwise.
    • getPool

      RrdDbPool getPool()
    • setPool

      void setPool(RrdDbPool pool)
      Defines the RrdDbPool to use. If not defined, but {setPoolUsed(boolean) set to true, the default RrdDbPool.getInstance() will be used.
      pool - an optional pool to use.
    • setTimeZone

      void setTimeZone(TimeZone tz)
      Set the time zone used for the legend.
      tz - the time zone to set
    • getTimeZone

      TimeZone getTimeZone()
    • setEndTime

      void setEndTime(long time)
      Sets the time when the graph should end. Time in seconds since epoch (1970-01-01) is required. Negative numbers are relative to the current time.
      time - Ending time for the graph in seconds since epoch
    • getEndTime

      long getEndTime()
      Returns ending timestamp.
      Ending timestamp in seconds
    • setStartTime

      void setStartTime(long time)
      Sets the time when the graph should start. Time in seconds since epoch (1970-01-01) is required. Negative numbers are relative to the current time.
      time - Starting time for the graph in seconds since epoch
    • getStartTime

      long getStartTime()
      Returns starting timestamp.
      Starting timestamp in seconds
    • setTimeSpan

      void setTimeSpan(long startTime, long endTime)
      Sets starting and ending time for the for the graph. Timestamps in seconds since epoch are required. Negative numbers are relative to the current time.
      startTime - Starting time in seconds since epoch
      endTime - Ending time in seconds since epoch
    • setStep

      void setStep(long step)
      Set the step for timestamp interval.
    • getStep

      long getStep()
      Returns the time step used for timestamp interval.
      Step used for data processing.
    • datasource

      void datasource(String name, String rrdPath, String dsName, ConsolFun consolFun)
      Defines virtual datasource. This datasource can then be used in other methods like datasource(String, String).
      name - Source name
      rrdPath - Path to RRD file
      dsName - Datasource name in the specified RRD file
      consolFun - Consolidation function (AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, LAST)
    • datasource

      void datasource(String name, URI rrdUri, String dsName, ConsolFun consolFun)
      Defines virtual datasource. This datasource can then be used in other methods like datasource(String, String).
      name - Source name
      rrdUri - rrdUri to RRD file
      dsName - Datasource name in the specified RRD file
      consolFun - Consolidation function (AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, LAST)
    • datasource

      void datasource(String name, String rrdPath, String dsName, ConsolFun consolFun, RrdBackendFactory backend)
      Defines virtual datasource. This datasource can then be used in other methods like datasource(String, String).
      name - Source name
      rrdPath - Path to RRD file
      dsName - Datasource name in the specified RRD file
      consolFun - Consolidation function (AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, LAST)
      backend - Backend to be used while fetching data from a RRD file.
    • datasource

      void datasource(String name, URI rrdUri, String dsName, ConsolFun consolFun, RrdBackendFactory backend)
      Defines virtual datasource. This datasource can then be used in other methods like datasource(String, String).
      name - Source name
      rrdUri - URI to RRD file
      dsName - Datasource name in the specified RRD file
      consolFun - Consolidation function (AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, LAST)
      backend - Backend to be used while fetching data from a RRD file.
    • datasource

      void datasource(String name, String rpnExpression)
      Create a new virtual datasource by evaluating a mathematical expression, specified in Reverse Polish Notation (RPN).
      name - Source name
      rpnExpression - RPN expression.
    • datasource

      void datasource(String name, String defName, Variable var)
      Creates a datasource that performs a variable calculation on an another named datasource to yield a single combined timestamp/value.

      Requires that the other datasource has already been defined; otherwise, it'll end up with no data

      name - - the new virtual datasource name
      defName - - the datasource from which to extract the percentile. Must be a previously defined virtual datasource
      var - - a new instance of a Variable used to do the calculation
    • datasource

      void datasource(String name, IPlottable plottable)
      Creates a new (plottable) datasource. Datasource values are obtained from the given plottable object.
      name - Source name.
      plottable - IPlottable object.
    • datasource

      void datasource(String name, FetchData fetchData)
      Creates a new 'fetched' datasource. Datasource values are obtained from the given FetchData object.
      name - Source name.
      fetchData - FetchData object.
    • datasource

      void datasource(String name, String dsName, FetchData fetchData)
      Creates a new 'fetched' datasource. Datasource values are obtained from the given FetchData object. Values will be extracted from the datasource dsName in the fetchData
      name - Source name.
      dsName - Source name in fetchData.
      fetchData - FetchData object.