Class SegmentedNetworkDatabaseFacade

Direct Known Subclasses:
DummyNetworkDatabaseSegmentor, FloodfillNetworkDatabaseSegmentor

public abstract class SegmentedNetworkDatabaseFacade extends Object
SegmentedNetworkDatabaseFacade This class implements an interface for managing many netDbs as part of a single I2P instance, each representing it's own view of the network. This allows the I2P clients to operate agnostic of what information the other clients are obtaining from the network database, and prevents information intended for clients from entering the table used by the router for Floodfill operations. The benefit of this is that we can use this to provide an effective barrier against "Context-Confusion" attacks which exploit the fact that messages sent to clients can update the routing table used by a floodfill, providing evidence that the floodfill hosts the corresponding client. When applied correctly, so that every client uses a unique subDb, the entire class of attack should be neutralized. The drawback of this is that it makes the netDb less efficient. Clients and Floodfills who share a netDb can update the tables used by those netDbs when a Client encounters an entry obtained by a Floodfill or vice-versa. Clients also must sometimes search the netDb for keys that are owned by other clients or by a co-located Floodfill, if one exists. In some contexts, it makes sense to view all the tables at once, especially when viewing information from the UI. The functions 'getLeases*', 'getRouters*', and 'getLocalClient*' are provided for this purpose. In the future, this could also be extended to provide Whanau-like functionality by determining when clients and the local floodfill disagree on the content of a leaseSet. See implementation: FloodfillNetworkDatabaseSegmentor
  • Constructor Details

    • SegmentedNetworkDatabaseFacade

      public SegmentedNetworkDatabaseFacade()
  • Method Details

    • mainNetDB

      public abstract NetworkDatabaseFacade mainNetDB()
      Get the main netDb, the one which is used if we're a floodfill
      may be null if main netDb is not initialized
    • clientNetDB

      public abstract NetworkDatabaseFacade clientNetDB(Hash dbid)
      Get a client netDb for a given client Hash identifier. Will never return the mainNetDB.
      may be null if the client netDb does not exist
    • shutdown

      public abstract void shutdown()
      Shut down the network databases
    • startup

      public abstract void startup()
      Start up the network databases