Class VMCommSystem

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class VMCommSystem extends CommSystemFacade
Hacked up in-VM comm system for talking between contexts within the same Java virtual machine. It doesn't generate any routerAddresses, but instead tracks the peers through a singleton. It cannot connect to anything outside of its own Java VM. It does not implement TCP, UDP, and therefore no NTCP or SSU. Currently, the comm system doesn't even inject any lag, though it could (later). It does honor the standard transport stats though, but no TCP or UDP specific ones (since UDP and TCP are not implemented). Typically, VMCommSystem is enabled by developers when it is desirable to test the router without enabling a real comm system. For a variety of testing purposes, it can be advantageous to start the router in a mode where contact with the actual network is disabled. VMCommSystem can be enabled with the following setting in the router.config file: i2p.vmCommSystem=true FOR DEBUGGING AND LOCAL TESTING ONLY.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getXDHFactory

      public X25519KeyFactory getXDHFactory()
      Factory for making X25519 key pairs.
      getXDHFactory in class CommSystemFacade
      0.9.49 so some tests don't NPE
    • countActivePeers

      public int countActivePeers()
      Description copied from class: CommSystemFacade
      How many peers are we currently connected to, that we have sent a message to or received a message from in the last five minutes.
      Specified by:
      countActivePeers in class CommSystemFacade
    • countActiveSendPeers

      public int countActiveSendPeers()
      Description copied from class: CommSystemFacade
      How many peers are we currently connected to, that we have sent a message to in the last minute. Unused for anything, to be removed.
      Specified by:
      countActiveSendPeers in class CommSystemFacade
    • isEstablished

      public boolean isEstablished(Hash peer)
      Specified by:
      isEstablished in class CommSystemFacade
    • getEstablished

      public List<Hash> getEstablished()
      Description copied from class: CommSystemFacade
      Get all the peers we are connected to. This should be more efficient than repeated calls to isEstablished() if you have to check a lot.
      Specified by:
      getEstablished in class CommSystemFacade
      the hashes of all the routers we are connected to, non-null
    • processMessage

      public void processMessage(OutNetMessage msg)
      The router wants us to send the given message to the peer. Do so, or fire off the failing job.
      Specified by:
      processMessage in class CommSystemFacade
    • receive

      public void receive(byte[] message, Hash fromPeer)
      We send messages between comms as bytes so that we strip any router-local info. For example, a router tags the # attempts to send through a leaseSet, what type of tunnel a tunnelId is bound to, etc.
    • shutdown

      public void shutdown()
      Description copied from interface: Service
      Instruct the service that the router is shutting down and that it should do whatever is necessary to go down gracefully. It should not depend on other components at this point. This call DOES block.
    • startup

      public void startup()
      Description copied from interface: Service
      Instruct the service that it should start normal operation. This call DOES block until the service is ready.
    • restart

      public void restart()
      Description copied from interface: Service
      Perform a soft restart.
    • renderStatusHTML

      public void renderStatusHTML(Writer out, String urlBase, int sortFlags) throws IOException
      renderStatusHTML in class CommSystemFacade