Class MultiRouter


public class MultiRouter extends Object
Fire up multiple routers in the same VM, all with their own RouterContext (and all that entails). In addition, this creates a root I2PAppContext for any objects not booted through one of the RouterContexts. Each of these contexts are configured through a simple properties file (where the name=value contained in them are used for the context's getProperty(name)).


  MultiRouter numberRouters
Each routerContext specified is used to boot up a single router. It is HIGHLY recommended that those context files contain a few base env properties:
  • loggerFilenameOverride=rN/logs/log-router-#.txt
  • router.configLocation=rN/router.config
(where "rN" is an instance number, such as r0 or r9). Optionally, i2p.vmCommSystem=true can be enabled. i2p.vmCommSystem=true tells the router to use an in-VM comm system for sending messages back and forth between routers (see net.i2p.transport.VMCommSystem). However, the default comm system implementation is usually preferred since enabling the VMCommSystem will bypass UDP and TCP, and therefore will not provide a test bed for many important I2P systems. To make the router console work, either run from a directory containing lib/, webapps/, docs/, etc., or point i2p.dir.base to a directory containing the above. The multirouter waits until all of the routers are shut down (which none will do on their own, so as before, you'll want to kill the proc or ^C it).
  • Constructor Details

    • MultiRouter

      public MultiRouter()
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)