Class IntelInfoImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
CPUInfo, IntelCPUInfo

class IntelInfoImpl extends CPUIDCPUInfo implements IntelCPUInfo
Moved out of Ref: Ref: Ref:
  • Constructor Details

    • IntelInfoImpl

  • Method Details

    • IsPentiumCompatible

      public boolean IsPentiumCompatible()
      Specified by:
      IsPentiumCompatible in interface IntelCPUInfo
      true if the CPU is at least a Pentium CPU.
    • IsPentiumMMXCompatible

      public boolean IsPentiumMMXCompatible()
      Specified by:
      IsPentiumMMXCompatible in interface IntelCPUInfo
      true if the CPU is at least a Pentium which implements the MMX instruction/feature set.
    • IsPentium2Compatible

      public boolean IsPentium2Compatible()
      Specified by:
      IsPentium2Compatible in interface IntelCPUInfo
      true if the CPU implements at least the p6 instruction set (Pentium II or better). Please note that an PentimPro CPU causes/should cause this method to return false (due to that CPU using a very early implementation of the p6 instruction set. No MMX etc.)
    • IsPentium3Compatible

      public boolean IsPentium3Compatible()
      Specified by:
      IsPentium3Compatible in interface IntelCPUInfo
      true if the CPU implements at least a Pentium III level of the p6 instruction/feature set.
    • IsPentium4Compatible

      public boolean IsPentium4Compatible()
      Description copied from interface: IntelCPUInfo
      Supports the SSE 2 instructions. Does not necessarily support SSE 3.
      Specified by:
      IsPentium4Compatible in interface IntelCPUInfo
      true if the CPU implements at least a Pentium IV level instruction/feature set.
    • IsPentiumMCompatible

      public boolean IsPentiumMCompatible()
      Specified by:
      IsPentiumMCompatible in interface IntelCPUInfo
      true if the CPU implements at least a Pentium M level instruction/feature set.
    • IsAtomCompatible

      public boolean IsAtomCompatible()
      Description copied from interface: IntelCPUInfo
      Supports the SSE 2 and SSE 3 instructions.
      Specified by:
      IsAtomCompatible in interface IntelCPUInfo
      true if the CPU implements at least a Atom level instruction/feature set.
    • IsCore2Compatible

      public boolean IsCore2Compatible()
      Description copied from interface: IntelCPUInfo
      Supports the SSE 3 instructions.
      Specified by:
      IsCore2Compatible in interface IntelCPUInfo
      true if the CPU implements at least a Core2 level instruction/feature set.
    • IsCoreiCompatible

      public boolean IsCoreiCompatible()
      Description copied from interface: IntelCPUInfo
      Supports the SSE 3, 4.1, 4.2 instructions. In general, this requires 45nm or smaller process. This is the Nehalem architecture. ref:
      Specified by:
      IsCoreiCompatible in interface IntelCPUInfo
      true if the CPU implements at least a Corei level instruction/feature set.
    • IsSandyCompatible

      public boolean IsSandyCompatible()
      Description copied from interface: IntelCPUInfo
      Supports the SSE 3, 4.1, 4.2 instructions. Supports the AVX 1 instructions. In general, this requires 32nm or smaller process.
      Specified by:
      IsSandyCompatible in interface IntelCPUInfo
      true if the CPU implements at least a SandyBridge level instruction/feature set.
    • IsIvyCompatible

      public boolean IsIvyCompatible()
      Description copied from interface: IntelCPUInfo
      Supports the SSE 3, 4.1, 4.2 instructions. Supports the AVX 1 instructions. In general, this requires 22nm or smaller process. UNUSED, there is no specific GMP build for Ivy Bridge, and this is never called from NativeBigInteger. Ivy Bridge is a successor to Sandy Bridge, so use IsSandyCompatible().
      Specified by:
      IsIvyCompatible in interface IntelCPUInfo
      true if the CPU implements at least a IvyBridge level instruction/feature set.
    • IsHaswellCompatible

      public boolean IsHaswellCompatible()
      Description copied from interface: IntelCPUInfo
      Supports the SSE 3, 4.1, 4.2 instructions. Supports the AVX 1, 2 instructions. Supports the BMI 1, 2 instructions. WARNING - GMP 6 uses the BMI2 MULX instruction for the "coreihwl" binaries. Only Core i3/i5/i7 Haswell processors support BMI2. Requires support for all 6 of these Corei features: FMA3 MOVBE ABM AVX2 BMI1 BMI2 Pentium/Celeron Haswell processors do NOT support BMI2 and are NOT compatible. Those processors will be Sandy-compatible if they have AVX 1 support, and Corei-compatible if they do not. ref: ref: In general, this requires 22nm or smaller process.
      Specified by:
      IsHaswellCompatible in interface IntelCPUInfo
      true if the CPU implements at least a Haswell level instruction/feature set.
    • IsBroadwellCompatible

      public boolean IsBroadwellCompatible()
      Description copied from interface: IntelCPUInfo
      Supports the SSE 3, 4.1, 4.2 instructions. Supports the AVX 1, 2 instructions. In general, this requires 14nm or smaller process. NOT FULLY USED as of GMP 6.0. All GMP coreibwl binaries are duplicates of binaries for older technologies, so we do not distribute any. However, this is called from NativeBigInteger. Broadwell is supported in GMP 6.1 and requires the ADX instructions. Requires support for all 7 of these Corei features: FMA3 MOVBE ABM AVX2 BMI1 BMI2 ADX Pentium/Celeron Broadwell processors that do not support these instruction sets are not compatible. Those processors will be Sandy-compatible if they have AVX 1 support, and Corei-compatible if they do not.
      Specified by:
      IsBroadwellCompatible in interface IntelCPUInfo
      true if the CPU implements at least a Broadwell level instruction/feature set.
    • IsSkylakeCompatible

      public boolean IsSkylakeCompatible()
      Supports the AVX-512 instrutions.
      Specified by:
      IsSkylakeCompatible in interface IntelCPUInfo
    • getCPUModelString

      public String getCPUModelString() throws UnknownCPUException
      Specified by:
      getCPUModelString in interface CPUInfo
      getCPUModelString in class CPUIDCPUInfo
      A string detailing what type of CPU that is present in the machine. I.e. 'Pentium IV' etc.
      UnknownCPUException - If for any reason the retrieval of the requested information failed. The message encapsulated in the execption indicates the cause of the failure.